

course PHY 121

May 27, 2013 @ 10:30 am

My name is ****. I am currently a fourth grade teacher who will be moving to fifth grade with her class. I have been teaching for 20+ years and need to upgrade my license for this move. For that reason, I am enrolled in this Physics class. I graduated from JMU (then Madison College) in 197*. I spent years working as a legal secretary before going back to school to get a teaching license. I am married (30+ years in July) with children. My son just got married and is preparing for a move to **** to start working on a doctorate in behavioral psychology. My daughter has a bachelors in psychology and is finishing up teacher certification in the fall. I have a masters degree in education, and am a Nationally Board Certified Teacher in Reading/Language Arts. I have never taken a Physics class, so am a little apprehensive (yet excited) about this adventure.


Very good. I've modified some of your information for privacy purposes (I felt sort of like a military censor there for a minute).

You will find the course demanding and time-consuming, but it should also be rewarding. I'll work with you to help you find the right level of challenge.



My daughters are about 12 years older than your children, both with degrees in psychology. I've always wondered what that said about me ... I also a 12-year-old grandson and another on the way in the Fall.

I'll look forward to working with you.




course PHY 121

May 27, 2013 @ 10:30 am

My name is ****. I am currently a fourth grade teacher who will be moving to fifth grade with her class. I have been teaching for 20+ years and need to upgrade my license for this move. For that reason, I am enrolled in this Physics class. I graduated from JMU (then Madison College) in 197*. I spent years working as a legal secretary before going back to school to get a teaching license. I am married (30+ years in July) with children. My son just got married and is preparing for a move to **** to start working on a doctorate in behavioral psychology. My daughter has a bachelors in psychology and is finishing up teacher certification in the fall. I have a masters degree in education, and am a Nationally Board Certified Teacher in Reading/Language Arts. I have never taken a Physics class, so am a little apprehensive (yet excited) about this adventure.


Very good. I've modified some of your information for privacy purposes (I felt sort of like a military censor there for a minute).

You will find the course demanding and time-consuming, but it should also be rewarding. I'll work with you to help you find the right level of challenge.



My daughters are about 12 years older than your children, both with degrees in psychology. I've always wondered what that said about me ... I also a 12-year-old grandson and another on the way in the Fall.

I'll look forward to working with you.
