Lab from 011207

course phy 202

We took two 250 ml cylinders, one with no holes and one with a single small hole that a coffee stirrer had been glued into so to make the hole smaller hole so that the water will flow out more slowly. We filled the cylinder with the coffee stirrer hole up to 250 ml and plugged the hole until we were ready to begin. While the cylinder with the hole sat on a table, the catching cylinder was held. Two people watched each cylinder as the water flowed out the hole and into the other cylinder. Two people took down the readings as they were read from the watchers. One person watched their watch and called out every five seconds. We did two good trials. After we got back into class we all traded data and measured where the mL marks were in centimeters on the cylinders. We had to do this because the coffee stirrer hole a little higher than the exact bottom of the cylinder.Trial 1 for water flow in the cylinder with holes.

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Time In Seconds mL cm

5 192 19.2

10 135 13.5

15 100 10.0

20 68 6.80

25 42 4.20

30 30 3.00

Trial 2 for water flow in the cylinder with holes.

Time In Seconds mL cm

5 195 17.2

10 140 12.0

15 100 8.20

20 70 5.30

25 45 3.00

30 30 1.50

Trial 1 for water flowing into the holeless cylinder.

Time in Seconds mL cm

5 50 5.00

10 92 9.20

15 140 14.0

20 180 18.0

25 200 20.0

30 212 21.2

Trial 2 for the water flowing into the holeless cylinder.

Time In Seconds mL cm

5 52 3.60

10 102 8.50

15 148 12.7

20 180 15.8

25 202 18.0

30 220 19.5

This data looks fairly accurate.


Good data. Can you describe your graphs of depth vs. clock time?