course phy 202

We used a cylinder with a hole approximately 22.5cm down from the 250ml mark. A coffee stirrer was glued into the hole. The coffee stirrer was 11.1cm outside of the cylinder. We filled the cylinder to the 250ml mark while holding the strirrer end to prevent water from flowing out until we were ready to catch the water in a cup and begin timing. We watched the water flow out of the cylinder and recorded its displacement every five seconds. We then would cut off the coffee stirrer 1 cm every time we ran the experiment. It was 11.1, then 10.1, 9.1, 8.1, and so on until the coffee stirrer was 2.1cm long. I believe that there was roughly 1cm of the coffee stirrer in the cylinder. After each experiement we measured the displacement in cm according to the time. We ran the trial for 11.1cm twice just to get the hang of things.

We missed you in class today. I hope you're feeling better.

I believe you sent a spreadsheet as an attachment. I'll open that tomorrow at VHCC.

When you send a spreadsheet make a text copy and submit it via the Submit Work form. That won't show graphs, but everything else will be there and I'll be able to respond more quickly. I only open Office documents on my VHCC computer.

course phy 202

We used a cylinder with a hole approximately 22.5cm down from the 250ml mark. A coffee stirrer was glued into the hole. The coffee stirrer was 11.1cm outside of the cylinder. We filled the cylinder to the 250ml mark while holding the strirrer end to prevent water from flowing out until we were ready to catch the water in a cup and begin timing. We watched the water flow out of the cylinder and recorded its displacement every five seconds. We then would cut off the coffee stirrer 1 cm every time we ran the experiment. It was 11.1, then 10.1, 9.1, 8.1, and so on until the coffee stirrer was 2.1cm long. I believe that there was roughly 1cm of the coffee stirrer in the cylinder. After each experiement we measured the displacement in cm according to the time. We ran the trial for 11.1cm twice just to get the hang of things.

We missed you in class today. I hope you're feeling better.

I believe you sent a spreadsheet as an attachment. I'll open that tomorrow at VHCC.

When you send a spreadsheet make a text copy and submit it via the Submit Work form. That won't show graphs, but everything else will be there and I'll be able to respond more quickly. I only open Office documents on my VHCC computer.