question form


Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

** Question Form_labelMessages **

Howdy Do

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I probably should have attempted to communicate with you a month ago but I am having trouble in this class as well as the PHY 201. I have been using the dvd's but I seem to be going around in a circle. I have taken both of the classes before so I'm familiar with the course work. It seems everything about navigating the course is confusing. Where do I even begin? I know I am very much behind but I can get caught up.

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Other than your 'first two questions' submission, I don't show that you have done any of the initial assignments or Orientation. Without this information you won't know how to navigate the site.

Start at the page

Select your course and do as instructed.
