course Mth 272
16:56:11 Query problem 6.4.16 use table to integrate x^2 ( ln(x^3) )^2
RESPONSE --> Dont know which formula to use. I dont see one that is similar to this. confidence assessment: 0
16:56:14 What is your result?
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment: 0
16:56:17 What formula did you use from the table and how did you use it?
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment: 0
16:56:24 Query problem 6.4.46 use table to integrate x ^ 4 ln(x) then check by integration by parts
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment:
16:56:37 What is your integral?
RESPONSE --> x^5/(x+1)^2[-1 + (5)ln(x)] + C confidence assessment: 3
16:56:50 What formula did you use from the table and how did you use it?
RESPONSE --> Used formaula 41 int. u^n lnu = u^(n+1)/(n+1)^2[-1+(n+1)ln u] + c confidence assessment: 3
16:57:01 Explain how you used integration by parts to obtain your result.
RESPONSE --> u = ln x, du = 1/x dx, dv = x^4 dx, v = x^5/5 x^5/5 ln(x) - int.(x^5/5)(1/x)dx x^5/5 ln(x) - 1/5 int.(x^4)dx x^5/5 ln(x) - 1/5(x^5/5) + C x^5/5 ln(x) - x^5/25 + C confidence assessment: 3
16:57:12 Query problem 6.4.63 profit function P = `sqrt( 375.6 t^2 - 715.86) on [8,16].
RESPONSE --> This problem is not in the book. Problem# 65 is similar. confidence assessment:
16:57:23 What is the average net profit over the given time interval?
RESPONSE --> .3976 confidence assessment: 2
16:57:33 Explain how you obtained your result.
RESPONSE --> I used substitution to solve. Also use the average cost formula. 1/b-a int f(x) (.04t - .3)^1/2 u = .04t - .3, du/dx = .04, du = .04 dx, dx = 1/.04 du 1/13-10 (int (.04t - .3)^1/2) 1/3 (1/.04 int u^1/2 du) 1/3 [(2/.12)(.04t - .3)^3/2]13,10 = .3976 confidence assessment: 1
16:57:36 Query Add comments on any surprises or insights you experienced as a result of this assignment.
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment: