course Mth 272
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment:
16:44:56 What is the level curve z = c for the given function?
RESPONSE --> The level of curves are hyperbolas. confidence assessment: 1
16:45:05 Describe how the level curves look for the given values of c, and how they change from one value of c to another.
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment:
16:45:09 Query problem 7.3.46 queuing model W(x,y) = 1 / (x-y), y < x (y = ave arrival rate, x = aver service rate).
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment:
16:45:22 What are the values of W at (15, 10), (12, 9), (12, 6) and (4,2)?
RESPONSE --> W(15, 10) = 1/(15/10) = 1/5 W(12, 9) = 1/(12-9) = 1/3 W(12, 6) = 1/(12-6) = 1/6 W4,2) = 1/(4-2) = 1/2 confidence assessment: 2
16:45:30 You may take extra time with the following: What is the nature of the worst combination of x and y, and why is this bad--both in terms of the behavior of the function and in terms of the real-world situation?
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment:
16:45:32 Query Add comments on any surprises or insights you experienced as a result of this assignment.
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment: