Mth 152
Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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I have 2 questions-
1-Am I supposed to use the c:vhmthphy to do assingments? What I did for the first assignment and what I am going to do for the second assignment(because I am behind) is go to the assignment and then copy it to a Word document and then work the assingment.
2-What do I need to submit to you? I konw I have to submit the Query Assignments, and tests, but do I have to also submit the odd problems I work in the book? I remember reading it in the orientation, but I forgot and I forgot what section of the orientation to look in.
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You should be submitting the Open QA, the Open Query, and of course the tests.
You can ask questions on other problems if you wish, using the Submit Question Form.