test taken


Mth 152

Your 'test taken' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

** Which test? **

Cant remember the chapter or name of the tests but it was on the Statistics and Geomentry sections.

** When, where etc? **

Aug 1 2010

** Optional additional comments and/or questions: **

Lee County Public Library

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The proctor said she would be faxing the tests about 6pm today because that is the earliest she could fax them. Also, I will be trying to submit the rest of my qa and assignments. I've been trying to submit them but my Microsoft Word keeps freezing up and I'm having a hard time getting them opened and copied before it freezes up. There are a couple of them that I've had to redo because evidentally it didn't save the work I had done or something so it may be up until Thursday before I can get them all submitted.

Email me tomorrow to check on whether your tests have been received.