
course Phy 122

I'm not quite sure what you mean by this statement because I did all this work last week and submitted it at the end of the day when I was through working on it. I have had your previous physics classes but this semester I've only submitted this material once unless you have backed up your files from things submitted by in 2007. I know this was a repeat of those other classes but I went ahead and did these over anyways. So I guess I just am not sure of what you need me to do.Most of this document has been submitted previously. You are more familiar with what you did when, so I'm going to have to ask you to separate out the work in this submission that hasn't been previously submitted and resubmit it.

I'm not sure where the confusion began, but I received a number of submissions containing repeated work. This is not a problem, but you need to review the work I've posted and if you need feedback on any work not posted, simply resubmit it after removing any exercises to which I have already responded.

As you say, you understand the system and you know how to submit your work, so there is no problem.