question form


PHY 121

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Initial Timer Experiment Quest

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• Using the TIMER program determine how long it takes the ball to roll from one end of the ramp to the other, when released from rest. Once you've got the book set up, it takes only a few seconds to do a timing, so it won't take you long to time the object's motion at least three times.

• Determine how far the object travels as it rolls from its initial position (where you first click the timer) to its final position (where you click at the end of the interval). This will probably be a bit less than the length of the book, due to the length of the object itself.

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At first I was rolling my marble down the book and only timing the whole roll. After getting my data and getting to the last question where it asks to get the final speed and change in speed. Am I supposed to time the marble three times as is rolls down the book so that I have 3 different placements and times? This makes more sense to me when trying to determine the change in speed.

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I'm not sure if I am supposed to time the marble 3 times in 1 roll, or if I am timing the marble once for three rolls.

@& More data points would give you better confirmation of the trend of the motion, but on this part of the experiment you are asked only to time the ball down the entire ramp.

From that timing you can determine the ball's average velocity on the ramp. Knowing that it started from rest, with velocity zero, you can infer a final velocity.

The final velocity averaged with the initial velocity should be the average velocity. Knowing the average and initial velocities, how do you then infer a final velocity? In other words, what velocity would you average with 0 to get your average velocity?*@