PHY 121
Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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Question About Proctor
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Have you received and reviewed the proctor form that I sent in? I'd like to take my Major Quiz soon.
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Have you received and reviewed the proctor form that I sent in?
@& There has been some confusion with the network. I intended to sort it out this afternoon but an 18-wheeler took out a power pole (on a street with a 25 mph speed limit) and everything went down from mid-afternoon on. I happened to drive by the place; my guess is that the brakes failed and the driver swerved to miss a car, and/or to avoid running into the oil depot right ahead of him.
In any case, email me tomorrow just to be sure, and I'll review all information and make sure everything has been sent.