question form


PHY 121

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Questions about PHY 201

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If I take PHY 201 next semester (online), will I have to redo the orientation part of the semester. I went through it this semester and am really familiar with how the system works.

Also, I was just curious if I was to take PHY 201 next semester, would it be a different grade on my transcript since I took PHY 121 this semester? I know the classes are almost similar, but I didn't know if it would go on my transcript as a different class or the same one, just a different grade (if it is better).


The Physics 201 course is more challenging that the Physics 121. However you appear to be doing quite well with the 121, and with this background I expect you would do well in the 201.

This would appear as a different course on your VHCC transcript.

I expect that many transfer institutions would not allow transfer credit only for one of the two courses.

In math-science-computer science-related curricula Phy 201 does transfer more universally than Phy 121. For more general curricula at most institutions either course would meet requirements.
