Assignment 11 Query

course Mth 174

DόQʃassignment #011

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Physics II




Query 8.8.2 (3d edition 8.7.2) 8.7.2. Probability and More On Distributions, p. 421 daily catch density function piecewise linear (2,.08) to (6.,24) to (8,.12)



The problem is to find the mean daily catch here. To do that, I use the integral of the density function multiplied by the variable, like:

int( xp(x) )

In this function, there are two parts to the formula, from 2 to 6 and from 6 to 8. The rates are given below:

p(x) = 0.04x for 2 <= x <=6

p(x) = -0.06x - 0.6 for 6 <= x <= 8

To find the mean of these two functions, I just need to integrate them according to the formula above and add them together:

int (x*0.04x, x, 2, 6) = 2.773

int (x*(-0.06x - 0.6), x, 6, 8) = 2.48

Overall mean = 2.773 + 2.48 = 5.2533




what is the mean daily catch?



5.2533 tons of fish.




What integral(s) did you perform to compute a mean daily catch?



int (x*0.04x, x, 2, 6) and

int (x*(-0.06x - 0.6), x, 6, 8)




What does this integral have to do with the moment integrals calculated in Section 8.3?



The formula is the same and so is the idea: to find the balance point of the graph.




Query 8.8.13 (3d edition 8.7.13). Probability and More On Distributions, p. 423 cos t, 0







which function might best represent the probability for the time the next customer walks in?



(b) p(t) = 3e^(-3t)




for each of the given functions, explain why it is either appropriate or inappropriate to the situation?



(a) p(x) = cos t for 0<= t <= 2'pi and e^(t-2'pi) for t>= 2'pi.

This is unacceptable because cos t becomes negative for part of 0 to 2'pi and a probability density function can never be less than 0.

(b) p(x) = 3e^(-3t)

This works because it is positive for all values of x and the integral from 0 to infinity is 1. So this is the most likely to be a probability density function.

(c) p(x) = e^(-3t) for t >=0

Values are positive for all values of x since 0 is the asymptote for this function, but the integral does not approach 1, staying rather at 1/3. Since a probability density function must equal 1 for the period, this isn't an acceptable function.

(d) p(x) = 1/4 for 0 <= t <= 4

First off, is the store open only 4 minutes? Besides which, the integral diverges and never approaches 1, so it can't be a probability density function.

Good. For comparison:

** Our function must be a probabiity density function, which is the case for most but not all of the functions.

It must also fit the situation.

If we choose the 1/4 function then the probability of the next customer walking in sometime during the next 4 minutes is 100%. That's not the case--it might be 5 or 10 minutes before the next customer shows up. Nothing can guarantee a customer in the next 4 minutes.

The cosine function fluctuates between positive and negative, decreasing and increasing. A probability density function cannot be negative, which eliminates this choice.

This leaves us with the choice between the two exponential functions.

If we integrate e^(-3t) from t = 0 to t = 4 we get -1/3 e^-12 - (-1/3 e^0 ) = 1/3 (1 - e^-12), which is slightly less than 1/3. This integral from 0 to infinity will in fact converge to 1/3, not to 1 as a probability distribution must do.

We have therefore eliminated three of the possibilities.

If we integrate 3 e^(-3t) from 0 to 4 we get 1 - e^-12, which is almost 1. This makes the function a probability density function. Furthermore it is a decreasing function. **




Query Add comments on any surprises or insights you experienced as a result of this assignment.



More applications of the same basic functions to different types of needs. Very interesting.



Very good work. Let me know if you have questions. &#