query 18


course Phy 231

3/9 10pm

018. `query 18


Question: `qQuery intro problem sets

Explain how we determine the horizontal range of a projectile given its initial horizontal and

vertical velocities and the vertical displacement.


Your solution:

We use initial vertical velocity, acceleration due to gravity, and vertical displacement to determine how long the projectile is in the air before it lands. We use the equation:


to find the final velocity. Then we add initial and final velocities and divide by 2 to find average velocity, then use vAve=`ds/`dt, rearranged to solve for `dt.

Assuming that horizontal velocity is constant, we simply go back to vAve=`ds/`dt, and plug in vAve(horiz) and `dt to solve for `ds(horiz).

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

`a** We treat the vertical and horizontal quantities independently.

We are given vertical displacement and initial velocity and we know that the vertical

acceleration is the acceleration of gravity. So we solve the vertical motion first, which

will give us a `dt with which to solve the horizontal motion.

We first determine the final vertical velocity using the equation vf^2 = v0^2 + 2a'ds, then

average the result with the initial vertical velocity. We divide this into the vertical

displacement to find the elapsed time.

We are given the initial horizontal velocity, and the fact that for an ideal projectile the

only force acting on it is vertical tells us that the acceleration in the horizontal direction

is zero. Knowing `dt from the analysis of the vertical motion we can now solve the horizontal

motion for `ds. This comes down to multiplying the constant horizontal velocity by the time

interval `dt. **


Self-critique (if necessary):


Self-critique rating:


Question: `qQuery class notes #17

Why do we expect that in an isolated collision of two objects the momentum change of each

object must be equal and opposite to that of the other?


Your solution:

The forces the two objects exert on one another are equal and opposite each other. The impulse of the collision is defined as the force times the duration of the force, so the magnitude of the impulse would be the same as experienced by each object.

Impulse measures the change in momentum (momentum being mass times velocity), so each object should experience equal and opposite changes in momentum as a result of equal and opposite forces.

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

`a Briefly, the force exerted on each object on the other is equal and opposite to the force

exerted on it by the other, by Newton's Third Law.

By assumption the collision is isolated (i.e., this is a closed system); the two objects

interact only with one another. So the net force on each object is the force exerted on it by

the other.

So the impulse F_net `dt on one object is equal and opposite the impulse experienced by the


By the impulse-momentum theorem, F_net `dt = `d ( m v). The impulse on each object is equal

to its change in momentum.

Since the impulses are equal and opposite, the momentum changes are equal and opposite.

**COMMON ERROR AND INSTRUCTION CORRECTION: This is because the KE change is going to be equal

to the PE change.

Momentum has nothing directly to do with energy.

Two colliding objects exert equal and opposite forces on one another, resulting in equal and

opposite impulses. i.e., F1 `dt = - F2 `dt. The result is that the change in momentum are

equal and opposite: `dp1 = -`dp2. So the net momentum change is `dp1 + `dp2 = `dp1 +(-`dp1)

= 0. **


Are impulses the same as momentum changes?


impulse is F * `dt

momentum is m v, and as long as mass is constant momentum change will be m `dv

by the impulse-momentum theorem impulse is equal to change in momentum (subject, of course, to

the conditions of the theorem)


Self-critique (if necessary):


Self-critique rating:


Question: `qWhat are the six quantities in terms of which we analyze the momentum involved in

a collision of two objects which, before and after collision, are both moving along a common

straight line? How are these quantities related?


Your solution:

Mass of object 1 (should be constant)

Pre-collision velocity of object 1

Post-collision velocity of object 1

Mass of object 2 (should be constant)

Pre-collision velocity of object 2

Post-collision velocity of object 2

The law of conservation of momentum tells us that the total momentum of the system should not change.

So, momentum of object 1 pre-collision plus momentum of object 2 pre-collision equals momentum of object 1 post-collision plus momentum of object 2 post-collision.

Since momentum is mass times velocity:

Mass_1*V0_1 + mass_2*v0_2 = mass_1*vf_1 + mass_2*vf_2

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

`a** We analyze the momentum for such a collision in terms of the masses m1 and m2, the

before-collision velocities v1 and v2 and the after-collision velocities v1' and v2'.

Total momentum before collision is m1 v1 + m2 v2.

Total momentum after collision is m1 v1' + m2 v2'.

Conservation of momentum, which follows from the impulse-momentum theorem, gives us

m1 v1 + m2 v2 = m1 v1' + m2 v2'. **


Self-critique (if necessary):

I used different symbols, but I'll remind myself of your way.


Self-critique rating:


Your notation was fine.



Question: `1prin phy and gen phy 6.47. RR cars mass 7650 kg at 95 km/hr in opposite

directions collide and come to rest. How much thermal energy is produced in the collision?


Your solution:

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

`aThere is no change in PE. All the initial KE of the cars will be lost to nonconservative

forces, with nearly all of this energy converted to thermal energy.

The initial speed are 95 km/hr * 1000 m/km * 1 hr / 3600 s = 26.4 m/s, so each car has initial

KE of .5 m v^2 = .5 * 7650 kg * (26.4 m/s)^2 = 2,650,000 Joules, so that their total KE is 2 *

2,650,000 J = 5,300,000 J.

This KE is practically all converted to thermal energy.


Why is the kinetic energy multiplied by two?

And why is all of the kinetic energy practically converted to thermal energy?

Is thermal energy simply two times the kinetic energy?

Is this what happens to all kinetic energy in real life?


You've calculated the KE of one of the cars. There are two cars, which is why we multiply that

result by 2.

Some of the KE does go into producing sound, but loud as the crash might be only a small

fraction of the energy goes into the sound. Practically all the rest goes into thermal energy.

A lot of the metal in the cars is going to twist, buckle and otherwise deform, and warm up

some in the process. They probably won't become hot to the touch, but it takes a lot more

thermal energy that that involved in this collision to achieve an overall temperature change

we would be likely to notice.

If two cars of unequal mass and equal speeds collide they don't come to rest, so they have

some KE after the collision.

It the cars were perfectly elastic they would rebound with their original relative speed. A

perfectly elastic collision is one in which kinetic energy is conserved. No energy would go

into thermal energy and there would be no sound. This is an idean and cannot actually be

achieved with railroad cars (nor with steel balls, or marbles, or pool balls, etc.). However

the collisions of molecules in a gas are perfectly elastic, and analyzing the statistics of

those collisions allows us to explain a lot of what we observe about gases.


Self-critique (if necessary):


Self-critique rating:

Question `gen, `prin (Openstax #32): A person in good physical condition can put out 100 W of

useful power for several hours at a stretch, perhaps by pedaling a mechanism that drives an

electric generator. Neglecting any problems of generator efficiency and practical

considerations such as resting time:

(a) How many people would it take to run a 4.00-kW electric clothes dryer?

(b) How many people would it take to replace a large electric power plant that generates 800


Your solution:

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

4 kW is 4000 watts. At 100 watts per person, it would require

4000 watts / (100 watts / person) =

40 (watts / (watts / person)) =

40 watts * persons / watt =

40 persons

to power the dryer.

To produce 800 MW = 800 (1 000 000 watts) = 800 000 000 watts, or 8 * 10^8 watts, would


800 000 000 watts / (100 watts / person) = 8 000 000 people.

This is a little more than the average population per State in the U.S.


Self-critique (if necessary):


Self-critique rating:



Query* 7.53. gen phy roller coaster 1.7 m/s at point 1, ave frict 1/5 wt, reaches poin 28

m below at what vel (`ds = 45 m along the track)?


Your solution:

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:


Until just now I did not think I could work that one, because I did not know the mass, but I

retried it.

Conservation of energy tells us that `dKE + `dPE + `dWnoncons = 0.

PE is all gravitational so that `dPE = (y2 - y1).

The only other force acting in the direction of motion is friction.

Thus .5 M vf^2 - .5 M v0^2 + M g (y2 - y1) + f * `ds = 0 and

.5 M vf^2 - .5M(1.7m/s)^2 + M(9.8m/s^2)*(-28 m - 0) + .2 M g (45m)

It looks like the M's cancel so I don't need to know mass.

.5v2^2 - 1.445 m^2/s^2 - 274 m^2/s^2 + 88 m^2/s^2 = 0 so

v2 = +- sqrt( 375 m^2/s^2 ) = 19.3 m/s.


Self-critique (if necessary):


Question: Very large forces are produced in joints when a person jumps from some height to

the ground.

(a) Calculate the force produced if an 80.0-kg person jumps from a 0.600-m-high ledge and

lands stiffly, compressing joint material 1.50 cm as a result. (Be certain to include the

weight of the person.)

(b) In practice the knees bend almost involuntarily to help extend the distance over which you

stop. Calculate the force produced if the stopping distance is 0.300 m.

(c) Compare both forces with the weight of the person.

Your solution:

(a) The gravitational PE of the person is 80kg*9.8m/s^2*.6m, or 470.4J. Just before the moment of landing, their KE, as a result, is 470.4J. Then the KE decreases to 0 over the course of the 1.50cm compression.

So during the compression, `dKE=-470.4J





(b) If the `dKe is spread out over a greater distance:



(c) The weight of the person is 80kg*9.8m/s^2=784N.

So, the force when landing stiffly is about 4 times the person's weight. The force when bending knees is about double the person's weight.

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

Intuitively, the person's potential energy decreases during the .6 meter fall, increasing his

or her kinetic energy, which is then dissipated over a 1.5 cm distance by the compressive

forces in the joint. So we could calculate the kinetic energy gained during the fall and

figure out what force exerted through a 1.5 cm distance would be required to dissipate this

energy. To do so would be to neglect the additional potential energy lost during the 1.5 cm

compression, so this approach wouldn't be quite right, but that additional energy is in this

case small so, at least for part (a), the error would be fairly insignificant.

A more general and complete approach is to apply the work-energy theorem.

Recall that the work-energy theorem says that

`dW_noncons_ON = `dKE + `dPE

(the work done by nonconservative forces on the system is equal to the sum of the changes in

its kinetic and potential energies).

We will apply the work-energy theorem to the interval between leaving the ledge and coming to

rest. We consider the changes in the person's kinetic and potential energy, and the work done

by nonconservative forces on the person.

The person has negligible kinetic energy when stepping off the ledge, and zero kinetic energy

when coming to rest, so between the beginning and the end of the interval there is no change

in kinetic energy (there are changes in kinetic energy during the interval, but the kinetic

energy at the end is the same as at the beginning of the interval). So for this interval `dKE

= 0.

The potential energy change is equal and opposite to the work done by conservative forces.

The only conservative force acting in this situation is the gravitational force, which is 80

kg * 9.8 m/s^2 = 780 N, approx.. This force is downward, in the same direction as the

displacement, so the work done by the conservative force is positive. The downward

displacement between the initial and final events is the 6 meter height of the ledge, plus the

1.5 cm through which the person's mass (or nearly all of it) descends after reaching the

ground. The work is therefore equal to 780 N * 0.615 m = 470 Joules, approx.. The potential

energy change is equal and opposite to this work and is therefore negative, equal to

`dPE = -470 Joules.

The nonconservative compressive force exerted by the joint material acts upward, in the

direction opposite the compression. This force is exerted as (most of) the person continues

to descend 1.5 cm = .015 m, so the force and the displacement have opposite directions.

If F_compression_ave represents the average compressive force, then, we have

`dW_noncons_ON = - (F_compression_ave * .015 cm).

Intuitively, the work done by the compressive force as it acts through the .015 cm distance of

compression has to do 470 Joules of work to dissipate the energy the person gained from the

gravitational force. However to be sure we have everything right, we apply the work-energy


`dW_noncons_ON = `dKE + `dPE


-(F_compression_ave * .015 cm) = 0 Joules + (-470 Joules).

Solving for the compressive force

F_compression_ave = 470 Joules / (.015 cm) = 30 000 Newtons, approximately.

MORE RIGOROUS SOLUTION (choose positive direction, use symbols)

We can be more rigorous by choosing a positive direction.

We will use `ds_y for the vertical displacement, `ds_compression for the displacement during

compression, F_grav for the force exerted by gravity on the person, and other symbols as

previously defined.

If we choose our positive direction as upward then

`dPE = - (F_grav * (`ds_y + `ds_compression) ) = - (-780 N * (-0.6 m + (-.015 m)) ) = 470



`dW_noncons_ON = F_compression_ave * `ds_compression = F_compression_ave * (-.015 m)

`dKE is still 0.

In symbols, then, we get

F_compression_ave * `ds_compression = - (F_grav * (`ds_y + `ds_compression) )

Solving for the force of compression

F_compression_ave = - (F_grav * (`ds_y + `ds_compression) ) / `ds_compression =

- (-780 N * (-0.6 m + (-.015 m)) ) / (-.015 m) = -470 Joules / (-.015 m) = 30 000 N, approx..

This is about 40 times the weight of the person.

(b) If the knees bend so that the person descends 0.3 meters, then the -.015 m in the

preceding becomes -0.3 m and the average force becomes about 1500 N, roughly double the weight

of the person. Note that the forces will no longer be concentrated only in the joint, but

will be spread as well over the surrounding musculature.


Self-critique (if necessary):

I did exactly what you said in the first part-- I calculated on the basis of change in KE during the compression, and neglected to remind myself that the `dw_nonCons equals the sum of `dKE and `dPE. Like you said, it doesn't matter so much with these numbers, but I know that's a fundamental piece of understanding this.


Self-critique rating:


Self-critique rating:


Question: `q Univ. 7.74 (7.62 in 10th edition). 2 kg pckg, 53.1 deg incline, coeff kin

frict .20, 4 m from spring with const 120 N/m. Speed just before hitting spring? How far

compressed? How close to init pos on rebound?


Your solution:

I can't find this problem in the 13th edition, so I'll do my best with your description.

At a 53.1 deg incline, Fgrav_x=(sin53.1)(2kg*9.8m/s^2)






Applied through a distance of 4m, 11.78kg*m/s^2*4m of work, or 47.12J of work, is done to the package before it reaches the spring.






KE just before hitting spring is 47.12J. It will decrease to zero, as spring's elastic PE increases by that much during compression.

So for the spring:






It compresses .88m.

So now, the spring still holds 47.12J PE, which upon extension, is transferred back to the package in the form of KE, then partially regained as gravitational PE when the object comes to rest. KE starts and ends at 0. The nonconservative work of friction also acts on the package.




11.78kg*m/s^2*`ds = 47.12kg*m^2/s^2


The package slides back up 4m.

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

`a** The forces acting on the package while sliding down the incline, include gravitiational

force, normal force and friction; and after encountering the spring the tension force of the

spring also acts on the package.

The normal force is Fnormal = 2 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * cos(53.1 deg) = 11.7 N, approx.. This force

is equal and opposite to the component of the weight which is perpendicular to the incline.

The frictional force is f = .2 * normal force = .2 * 11.7 N = 2.3 N, approx..

The component of the gravitational force down the incline is Fparallel = 2 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 *

sin(53.1 deg) = 15.7 N, approx..

Friction acts in the direction opposite motion, up the incline in this case.

If we choose the downward direction as positive the net force on the package is therefore 15.7

N - 2.3 N = 13.4 N. So in traveling 4 meters down the incline the work done on the system by

the net force is

13.4 N * 4 m = 54 Joules approx.

Just before hitting the spring we therefore have

.5 m v^2 = KE so v = +-sqrt(2 * KE / m) = +-sqrt(2 * 54 J / (2 kg) ) = +- 7.4 m/s.

If we ignore the gravitational and frictional forces on the object while the spring is

compressed, which we really don't want to do, we would conclude the spring would be compressed

until its elastic PE was equal to the 54 J of KE which is lost when the object comes to rest.

The result we would get here by setting .5 k x^2 equal to the KE loss is x = sqrt(2 * KE / k)

= .9 meters, approx..

However we need to include gravitational and frictional forces. So we let x stand for the

distance the spring is compressed.

As the object moves the distance x its KE decreases by 54 Joules, its gravitational PE

decreases by Fparallel * x, the work done against friction is f * x (where f is the force of

friction), and the PE gained by the spring is .5 k x^2. So we have

`dKE + `dPE + `dWnoncons = 0 so

-54 J - 15.7N * x + .5 * 120 N/m * x^2 + 2.3 N * x = 0 which gives us the quadratic equation

60 N/m * x^2 - 13.4 N * x - 54 N m = 0. (note that if x is in meters every term has units N *

m). Suppressing the units and solving for x using the quadratic formula we have

x = ( - (-13.4) +- sqrt(13.4^2 - 4 * 60 (-54) ) / ( 2 * 60) = 1.03 or -.8

meaning 1.07 m or -.8 m (see previous note on units).

We reject the negative result since the object will continue to move in the direction down the

incline, and conclude that the spring would compress over 1 m as opposed to the .9 m obtained

if gravitational and frictional forces are not accounted for during the compression. This

makes sense because we expect the weight of the object (more precisely the weight component

parallel to the incline) to compress the spring more than it would otherwise compress.

Another way of seeing this is that the additional gravitational PE loss as well as the KE loss

converts into elastic PE.

If the object then rebounds the spring PE will be lost to gravitational PE and to work against

friction. If the object goes distance xMax back up the incline from the spring's compressed

position we will have`dPE = -.5 k x^2 + Fparallel * xMax, `dKE = 0 (velocity is zero at max

compression as well as as max displacement up the incline) and `dWnoncons = f * xMax. We


`dPE + `dKE + `dWnoncons = 0 so

-.5 k x^2 + Fparallel * xMax + 0 + 2.3 N * xMax = 0 or

-.5 * 120 N/m * (1.07 m)^2 + 15.7 N * xMax + 2.3 N * xMax = 0

We obtain

18 N * xMax = 72 N m, approx., so that

xMax = 72 N m / (18 N) = 4 meters, approx..

This is only 2.93 meters beyond the position of the object when the spring was compressed.

Note that the object started out 4 meters beyond this position. **


Self-critique (if necessary):

Well, I calculated friction based on total weight, not weight parallel to the incline-- so that was my first mistake.

It didn't cross my mind to think about friction and gravity during compression. I'm still trying to understand how that comes into play. The spring has to absorb all the energy that the package has at the moment of impact, right? Or are your calculations showing that at the instant the spring starts to compress, the package's KE decreases by an amount equal to what the spring is able to absorb at that instant, but also by friction? But gravity is still acting on it in the downward direction, ""increasing"" its KE (relatively speaking-- I guess causing it to decrease less?).

I think I'm having a hard time keeping straight in my head whether I'm looking at the energy of the package or of the spring. I want to focus on the spring because its `ds is what I'm looking at.

Finally, I think I'm throwing myself off by using `ds to denote the final position of the package. That's not right. You use xmax, but that confuses me because I thought we were concerned with the height.


Your equation

`dPE + `dKE + `dW_noncons = 0

could be correct, if by `dW_noncons you mean `dW_noncons_BY.

However in your calculation you used `dW_noncons_ON.

This was your only error. The effect of this is to negate the dissipative losses of friction.



`dW_noncons_ON = -3.92 kg m/s^2 * `ds.

`dW_noncons_ON = `dKE + `dPE.

`dPE_grav = 2kg*9.8m/s^2*sin53.1)(`ds)

`dPE_elastic = -47.12 J.

So as you say

`dPE = 15.7kg*m/s^2*`ds-47.12kg*m^2/s^2

`dKE = 0, as you say.


`dW_noncons_ON = `dKE + `dPE


-3.92 kg m/s^2 * `ds = 0 + 15.7kg*m/s^2*`ds-47.12kg*m^2/s^2.

This will give you the correct result, if we assume that friction doesn't act while the spring is being compressed.



Self-critique rating:"

Self-critique (if necessary):


Self-critique rating:


Very good. Your solution on that last problem was insightful and correct in many aspects.

However you made a fundamental error with the work-energy theorem. That is very easy to correct, and you'll be more careful about _ON vs. _BY in the future.

Check my notes. I didn't address the issue of friction continuing while the spring is being compressed and decompresses, but I believe that once you see the error in your solution you'll follow the remaining details of the given solution without any trouble.
