course MTH 279
6/9Hello Mr. Smith,
I am feeling well at last, but unfortunately a stomach bug left me out of commission for most of last week, so I am now quite far behind, but will do my best to catch up today and over the upcoming week. Because I am just getting started however, I will likely have quite a few questions over the next few days, so I apologize in advance for those as well.
Questions are welcome.
course MTH 279
Hey All!I'm a rising senior at the University of Virginia studying Systems Engineering, love the outdoors, and am easily distracted by squirrels.
Professor Smith,
I am requesting that this introduction be posted for other students.
Thanks!" ""
If I get responses from other students, I'll begin posting them.
Right now I can see a squirrel eating a strawberry in one of our strawberry pots. Not one of their primary foods, but occasionally they'll eat one, if the birds don't run them off.