PHY 202
Your 'test taken' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
** Which test? **
Test 1 was completed on Monday 10/5/09 at the Richmond, VA ODU testing site.
** When, where etc? **
US Mail
** Optional additional comments and/or questions: **
I just wanted to add that I feel I'm learning well from you and your methods of presenting material to the class but I felt somewhat lost at the test. There were a few problems on heat and pressure that seemed simple but I was not familiar with them. I felt they were missing information or either I could not come up with a legitimate equation or formula. Number 2 and 6 stick out in my mind from the test that I took. Also, I studied by reading all Problem Sets thoroughly and browsing through the chapters. I also printed out 4 different copies of the test to study by before hand and had no problems with those. I was hoping some wave questions would be there as I felt very comfortable with them and they seemed to be a nice chunk of the material presented before Test 1. After calulating my score and if it's bad enough, let me know if there's something I can do about it. Thanks for your time.
- Matt Covington
Some of the problems on the test are related to the labs. We'll see which problems gave you trouble, and I'll review to make sure they were fair problems.
If your score isn't good you would be welcome to take another test. I would count the higher grade. But let's see how this one turns out.
Email me in a couple of days to be sure I've received the test.