ph1 query 0


course Phy 121

1/20 7:P.M.

ph1 query 0Most queries in this course will ask you questions about class notes, readings, text problems and experiments. Since the first two assignments have been lab-related, the first two queries are related to the those exercises. While the remaining queries in this course are in question-answer format, the first two will be in the form of open-ended questions. Interpret these questions and answer them as best you can.

Different first-semester courses address the issues of experimental precision, experimental error, reporting of results and analysis in different ways and at different levels. One purpose of these initial lab exercises is to familiarize your instructor with your work and you with the instructor 's expectations.

Comment on your experience with the three lab exercises you encountered in this assignment or in recent assignments.


Question: This question, related to the use of the TIMER program in an experimental situation, is posed in terms of a familiar first-semester system.

Suppose you use a computer timer to time a steel ball 1 inch in diameter rolling down a straight wooden incline about 50 cm long. If the computer timer indicates that on five trials the times of an object down an incline are 2.42sec, 2.56 sec, 2.38 sec, 2.47 sec and 2.31 sec, then to what extent do you think the discrepancies could be explained by each of the following:

· The lack of precision of the TIMER program.

To what extent to you think the discrepancies are explained by this factor?

your answer: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

I think the range of numbes are to wide to be caused by the timer.


· The uncertain precision of human triggering (uncertainty associated with an actual human finger on a computer mouse)

To what extent to you think the discrepancies are explained by this factor?

your answer: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

I believe that this is where the biggest problem is.


· Actual differences in the time required for the object to travel the same distance.

To what extent to you think the discrepancies are explained by this factor?

your answer: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

If everything is the same there and an adequate path is layed out there should be no variation.


· Differences in positioning the object prior to release.

To what extent to you think the discrepancies are explained by this factor?

your answer: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

If the ball is further up the incline when released it will take longer to roll down the incline, if it is realeased further down the incline it would not take as long.


· Human uncertainty in observing exactly when the object reached the end of the incline.

To what extent to you think the discrepancies are explained by this factor?

your answer: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

It's difficult to determine the stopping point on moving object. Even if all factors are taken into account your still guessing to certain degree.



Question: How much uncertainty do you think each of the following would actually contribute to the uncertainty in timing a number of trials for the ball-down-an-incline lab?

· The lack of precision of the TIMER program.

To what extent to you think this factor would contribute to the uncertainty?

your answer: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

If you can't trust your timer than the hole of the experiment could be compromised


· The uncertain precision of human triggering (uncertainty associated with an actual human finger on a computer mouse)

To what extent to you think this factor would contribute to the uncertainty?

your answer: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

I think it would be difficult to cordinate leting loose of the ball and beginning the timer exactly at the same time.


· Actual differences in the time required for the object to travel the same distance.

To what extent to you think this factor would contribute to the uncertainty?

your answer: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

I think this would depend on the type of path that is laid out for the steel ball


· Differences in positioning the object prior to release.

To what extent to you think this factor would contribute to the uncertainty?

your answer: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

This could have a huge effect a starting point is not determined and maintained.


· Human uncertainty in observing exactly when the object reached the end of the incline.

To what extent to you think this factor would contribute to the uncertainty?

your answer: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

This could also effect the hole of the experiment if the stopping point is not effeciently addressed and maintained.



Question: What, if anything, could you do about the uncertainty due to each of the following? Address each specifically.

· The lack of precision of the TIMER program.

What do you think you could do about the uncertainty due to this factor?

your answer: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

You could compare your timer with clock which is known to work.


· The uncertain precision of human triggering (uncertainty associated with an actual human finger on a computer mouse)

What do you think you could do about the uncertainty due to this factor?

your answer: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

I don't know.


· Actual differences in the time required for the object to travel the same distance.

What do you think you could do about the uncertainty due to this factor?

your answer: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

be sure to start the ball at the same time, use a back drop on the slop that the ball can be placed against for the starting point and have a clear path way the ball can roll down.


· Differences in positioning the object prior to release.

What do you think you could do about the uncertainty due to this factor?

your answer: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

be sure to start the ball at the same time, use a back drop on the slop that the ball can be placed against for the starting point and have a clear path way the ball can roll down.


· Human uncertainty in observing exactly when the object reached the end of the incline.

What do you think you could do about the uncertainty due to this factor?

your answer: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

You could use a barrier to block the end of the rap, when the ball hits the barrier it has reached the end.



Question: If, as in the object-down-an-incline experiment, you know the distance an object rolls down an incline and the time required, explain how you will use this information to find the object 's average speed on the incline.


Your solution:

time / distance

confidence rating #$&*: 3



Question: If an object travels 40 centimeters down an incline in 5 seconds then what is its average velocity on the incline? Explain how your answer is connected to your experience.


Your solution:

5sec / 40cm = .125 per cm. I'm not sure what your want with the second part of the question.

confidence rating #$&*: 1



Question: If the same object requires 3 second to reach the halfway point, what is its average velocity on the first half of the incline and what is its average velocity on the second half?


Your solution:

The first half would be 3sec / 20cm = .15 the second half would be 2sec / 20cm = .1

confidence rating #$&*: 3



Question: `qAccording to the results of your introductory pendulum experiment, do you think doubling the length of the pendulum will result in half the frequency (frequency can be thought of as the number of cycles per minute), more than half or less than half?


Your solution: It will decrease less than half.

confidence rating #$&*: 3



Question: `qNote that for a graph of y vs. x, a point on the x axis has y coordinate zero and a point on the y axis has x coordinate zero. In your own words explain why this is so.


Your solution:

This is so all four realms of possability can be explored, such as x,y ; -x,y ; -x,-y ; x,-y and it can be easily graphed and recorded.

confidence rating #$&*: 3



Question: `qOn a graph of frequency vs. pendulum length (where frequency is on the vertical axis and length on the horizontal), what would it mean for the graph to intersect the vertical axis (i.e., what would it mean, in terms of the pendulum and its behavior, if the line or curve representing frequency vs. length goes through the vertical axis)? What would this tell you about the length and frequency of the pendulum?


Your solution:

It would mean that the pendulum has quite turning.

confidence rating #$&*: 1



Question: `qOn a graph of frequency vs. pendulum length, what would it mean for the graph to intersect the horizontal axis (i.e., what would it mean, in terms of the pendulum and its behavior, if the line or curve representing frequency vs. length goes through the horizontal axis)? What would this tell you about the length and frequency of the pendulum?


Your solution:

?????????????????????????The rope has ceased to exist????????????????

confidence rating #$&*: 0



Question: `qIf a ball rolls down between two points with an average velocity of 6 cm / sec, and if it takes 5 sec between the points, then how far apart are the points?


Your solution: 6cm * 5 = 30cm

confidence rating #$&*: 2



Given Solution:

`aOn the average the ball moves 6 centimeters every second, so in 5 seconds it will move 30 cm.

The formal calculation goes like this:

We know that vAve = `ds / `dt, where vAve is ave velocity, `ds is displacement and `dt is the time interval.

It follows by algebraic rearrangement that `ds = vAve * `dt.

We are told that vAve = 6 cm / sec and `dt = 5 sec. It therefore follows that

`ds = 6 cm / sec * 5 sec = 30 (cm / sec) * sec = 30 cm.

The details of the algebraic rearrangement are as follows:

vAve = `ds / `dt. We multiply both sides of the equation by `dt:

vAve * `dt = `ds / `dt * `dt. We simplify to obtain

vAve * `dt = `ds, which we then write as{}`ds = vAve *`dt

Be sure to address anything you do not fully understand in your self-critique.


Your solution: OK

confidence rating #$&*: OK



Question: `qYou were asked to read the text and some of the problems at the end of the section. Tell your instructor about something in the text you understood up to a point but didn't understand fully. Explain what you did understand, and ask the best question you can about what you didn't understand.


Your solution:

I haven't really got any questions, I thought that conversions and scientific notations was very usefull practive. Although these problems should probably be pretty basic, I did find myself stumbling with a few of them.


&#Your work looks good. Let me know if you have any questions. &#