understanding first assignments

Your work on understanding first assignments has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

your comments

copy access page

The page cannot be found

The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.


Please try the following:

If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly.

Open the www.vhcc.edu home page, and then look for links to the information you want.

Click the Back button to try another link.

Click Search to look for information on the Internet.

HTTP 404 - File not found

Internet Explorer

process of finding access page<

1. To avoid someone else obtaining your access code and possibly viewing instructor responses to your work, do not access your information at a time and location where another user might view the screen, and be sure to close the Internet browser window when you have finished. If it is not possible for you to view your information with an acceptable level of privacy, please inform the instructor and other arrangments will be made.

2. Go to the http://vhmthphy.vhcc.edu site.

3. Click on General Information (the first button on the page).

4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Access to Your Information. A menu file will appear with 100 choices.

5. Click on the number 18 (the first two digits of your access code). A new menu file will appear. As an extra security measure, this menu will be mislabeled 'Level I Menu' and will look exactly the same as the first. Despite its labeling, it is actually a Level II menu.

6. Click on the number 92 (the middle two digits of your access code). A third menu file, more extensive than the other two, will appear.

7. Click on the number 970 (the last three digits of your access code).

This should bring you to a file which starts with the words 'Your Menu'. Beneath the menu you will find a link to a welcome message, and possibly other links.

prelim assts completed, anything missing?

any notes on documentation/self critique

copy of due dates or details of process

Week 01: Week of 06/30/06 - 06/05/06 Assignments 0, 1, 2 and associated class notes

>copy of asst 1

See also Class Notes #01-#03 (Distance students: See Calculus video clips on GEN1 CD. Run CD by clicking on the program labeled Disk_1).

Distance Students: Video Versions of Class Notes Start on CD #2 with Class Notes #03; Classes #01-#02 on Combined CAL1_PH1_PC1 Disk #1.

Complete q_a_ assignment #1 and submit corresponding SEND file from c:\vhmthphy (the name of this SEND file will include the 4-digit date as well as your name as you entered it in the program).

Describing Graphs:

Distance Students: As you have been instructed, you should have run the program q_a_initial_pbs.exe, which you were instructed to download into your c:\vhmthphy folder. You should have been instructed to do the Describing Graphs problems and send the SEND file to the instructor. If you have not done this, do so now.

In-class students: You will be instructed regarding the Describing Graphs assignment.

Distance Students: View Calculus I clips on CAL1_PC1_PH1 DISK #1 and ponder questions posed in documentation

Complete Modeling Project #1, which is an introduction to modeling by quadratic functions using data and simulataneous equations, and to the realtionship between a function and its rate of change function. ** Note: If so instructed, and only in this case, instead of the problems stated in the documents, go to Randomized Problems, Calculus 1, Introductory Flow Model (Model 1), and randomly choose and submit one of the nine problem versions. These problems are similar but not identical to those in your documents. ** If you wish to use simulated data go to Randomized Problems and choose SIMULATED FLOW MODEL DATA **

When you have completed the entire assignment run the Query program and submit the SEND file it creates, using the Submit Work Form., but choose Assignment 2 (this is because these assignments have been interchanged since the last version of the associated Query file was created).

links in asst 1

c:\vhmthphy, Modeling Project #1, Randomized Problems,

description of content of each link

modeling project #1- gives instruction on the project along with two other links.

randomzed problems- links to quizzes

instructions for qa and/or query

Complete q_a_ assignment #1 and submit corresponding SEND file from c:\vhmthphy (the name of this SEND file will include the 4-digit date as well as your name as you entered it in the program).

When you have completed the entire assignment run the Query program and submit the SEND file it creates, using the Submit Work Form., but choose Assignment 2 (this is because these assignments have been interchanged since the last version of the associated Query file was created).

qa and query filenames for asst 1

assignement 1,

instr for text assts

there are none

work text probs on paper; submit thru query after completing asst

what must be and what may be submitted

must be in word format, breif statement of problem, complete description of your thinking, what you do and do not understand.

include everything in one document

use paper

hand written notes are a must when working in this course

Your responses have been reviewed and everything looks good.

Please let me know if you have any questions related to this orientation assignment.