asst 4


course Mth 164

2/5 2:50

Self-critique (if necessary):


Self-critique Rating:

query problem 5.6.54 3 cos(2x+`pi) find characteristics and graph using transformations



Your solution:

Amplitude: 3

The cycle will run 2 times

And it is shifted to the right pi

confidence rating #$&*:2



Given Solution:


** Here are two solutions provided by students from previous years:

The amplitude is 3

The Period = T= (2`pi)/`omega = 2`pi/(2) = `pi

The phase shift = `phi/(`omega) = `pi/2

The graph of y = 3 cos (2x + `pi) will lie between -3 and 3 on the y axis.

One cycle will begin at x = `phi/(`omega) = `pi/2 and will end at 2`pi/(`omega) + `phi/(`omega) = (2`pi)/2 + (`pi)/2 = (3`pi)/2.

We then divide the interval of [`pi/2, 3`pi/2] into (4) subintervals each of length `pi divided by 4 = `pi/4:

[`pi/2, 3`pi/4], [3`pi/4, `pi], [`pi, 5`pi/4], [5`pi/4, 3`pi/2].

The five key points for the graph are:

(`pi/2, 3), (3`pi/4, 0), (`pi, -3), (5`pi/4, 0), and (3`pi/2, 3).

ANOTHER STUDENT SOLUTION (consistent with preceding but with different details provided):

the graph of this function has a maximum point of y=+3 and a minimum point of y=-3. at the origin the graph touches the point y=-3. and whenever x= pi, 2pi and 3pi y=-3. and at the points x= (-pi),-2pi,-3pi y= -3. when x=pi/2 and 3pi/2 and -pi/2 and -3pi/2 y= 3.

to solve for the amplitude and the period and the phase shift we use the equation y= Acos((omega)(x)-phi). so the amplitude of the equation is the absolute value of A which is 3. so A=3.

the period is 2pi/2 which is pi so there is a period at pi.

and the phase shift is phi/omega. which in this case is pi/2. so the phase shift is pi/2.


Was my given answer correct? I want to make sure that I’m understanding this correctly.


your answer: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

3cos tells me the amplitude will be 3. The value 2x tells me that the cycle will run 2 times. The addition of pi to 2x

indicates that this wave will shift to the right by the value pi.

Your first task would be to check your answers against the given answers, which were as follows:

The amplitude is 3

The Period = T= (2`pi)/`omega = 2`pi/(2) = `pi

The phase shift = `phi/(`omega) = `pi/2

Your amplitude is correct. Your other two answers don't quite get to the necessary information. A careful self-critique would have noted this and attempted to address the discrepancy in terms of the details of the given solution.

The period is the change in x necessary for the argument of the function to change by 2 pi. The expression 2 x will change by 2 pi when x changes by pi, so the period is pi.

In the expression 2 x + pi, you can't immediately see the phase shift. If you factor the expression into 2 ( x + pi/2 ) then you can see that the phase shift is -pi/2.


Self-critique (if necessary):


Self-critique Rating:2

**** query problem 5.6.60 2 cos(2`pi(x-4)) find characteristics and graph using transformations

**** explain how you use transformations to construct the graph.


Your solution:

Amplitude: 2

The cycle runs 2 times

The graph is shifted right 2pi and down 4

confidence rating #$&*:2



Given Solution:

** Starting with y = cos(x), which has amplitude 1 and period 2 `pi and which peaks on the y axis (i.e., at x = 0) and at every interval of 2 pi on the x axis, we apply the appropriate transformations as follows:

We first multiply the function by 2, which doubles all the y coordinates, stretching the graph vertically by factor 2. This doubles the amplitude from 1 to 2.

Next we multiply x by 2 `pi, which compresses the graph in the horizontal direction by factor 2 `pi. So the period of the function is changed from 2 `pi to 2 `pi / (2 `pi) = 1.

We then replace x by x - 4, which shifts the graph 4 units to the right.

Our graph now has a peak at x = 4. It oscillates between max value y = +2 and min value y = -2, peaking at x = 4 and at regular intervals of 1 so that peaks occur at x = 4, 5, 6, . . . as well as 3, 2, 1, . . . . **

STUDENT SOLUTION WITH INSTRUCTOR COMMENT: By using transformations to construct this graph, I would start with y = cos x graph. Then vertically stretch this graph by factor of 2 for y = 2 cos x. Then I would horizontally stretch this graph by a factor of 2`pi for y = 2 cos (2`pi x),

** this is a horizontal compression by factor 2--the graph is compressed in the x direction, from period 2 pi to period pi **

then I would horizontally shift this graph by a factor of 4 (to the right)

** you shift it 4 units to the right; a factor is something you multiply by **


Oops ! Please advise on this …. When I saw (2`pi(x-4)) I immediately multiplied to get

2piX - 8pi. This was not right. Are you saying that this simplifies to x-4? Please explain.

Also, why is it that I always shift to the right? In this equation I wanted to say shift left (-4< 0).

Sorry for all the questions, I just want to understand this before I take the test.


No problem. I'm glad to clarify.

As you hopefully learned in first-semester precalculus, replacing x by x - h in the function y = f(x) gives you the function y = f (x - h). The graph of f(x - h) is shifted h units in the x direction, relative to the graph of y = f(x).

For the present function we could say that f(x) = 2 cos(2 pi x), so that f(x - 4) = 2 cos(2 pi ( x - 4 ) ). f(x - 4) is the function given in this question. The graph of f(x - 4) is shifted 4 units to the right of the graph of f(x).

The reason replacing x by x - 4 shifts the graph to the right is that if x takes a certain value, then in order to give x - 4 the same value, the quantity x has to be 4 units greater. So the graph of f(x-4) lies 4 units 'greater', or 4 units to the right, of the graph of f(x).


Self-critique (if necessary):


Self-critique Rating:1

**** Describe the resulting graph by giving its period, its the maximum and minimum y values and its phase shift, and describe how its phase shift affects the graph




Your solution:

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

STUDENT SOLUTION: The amplitude is 2

The period is T = 2`pi/(`omega) = 2`pi/(2`pi) = 1.

The phase shift = `phi/(`omega) = -4 / (2`pi) = -2/`pi.

The graph will lie between 2 and -2 on the y-axis. One cycle will begin at x = `phi/(`omega) = -4/2`pi = -2/`pi and will end at 2`pi/(`omega) + `phi/(`omega) = 2`pi/2`pi + (-4)/2`pi = 1 - 2/`pi. Divide the interval of [-2/`pi, 1-2/`pi] into four subintervals each of length 1 divided by 4 = 1/4 ------And here's where I get lost in the math.

INSTRUCTOR COMMENT: ** If you just show the interval from -2 / `pi to -2 / `pi + 1 as containing the entire cycle you won't be far wrong.

However you can easily enough add increments of 1/4 to the starting point - 2 / `pi to get -2 / `pi + 1/4, -2 / pi + 1/2, -2 / `pi + 3/4 and -2/`pi + 1.

These numbers would have to be approximated. -2/`pi for example is about -.64 or so. **


Sorry still trying to understand this ……. Where did sine go?


Good question, and no need to apologize.

sin^2(x) + cos^2(x) = 1, a consequence of the unit-circle definition of sine and cosine, and the Pythagorean Theorem.

So sin^2(x) = 1 - cos^2(x).

In the above, sin^2(x) was simply replaced by 1 - cos^2(x).





Self-critique (if necessary):


Self-critique Rating:


&#You did not answer the given question. You need to always at least explain what you do and do not understand about the question. A phrase-by-phrase analysis is generally required when you cannot otherwise answer a question.



**** query problem 6.1.24 1 - sin^2 x /( 1-cos x) = -cos x


give the steps in your solution



Your solution:

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

** 1 -( sin^2(x)/(1-cos x) =

1- (1-cos^2(x))/(1-cos x) =

1- [(1-cos x)(1+cos x)/(1-cos x) =

1- (1+cos x) =

1 - 1 - cos x = - cos x. **


Self-critique (if necessary):


Self-critique Rating:


&#When you do not answer a question you need to continue in your self-critique with a phrase-by-phrase analysis of the solution, detailing everything you do and do not understand. Specific questions are encouraged if you do not understand everything.

You should of course always attempt a solution and detail your thinking about what the problem means and how you might solve it. Even an incorrect attempt forms a basis for correction and subsequent understanding.



**** query problem 6.1.48 sec x / (1 + sec x) = (1-cos x) / sin^2 x

give the steps in your solution




Your solution:

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

** There are many ways to rearrange this equation to prove the identity. Here we will start by changing everything to sines and cosines using sec(x) = 1 / cos(x). We get

[ 1 / cos(x) ] / ( 1 + 1 / cos(x) ] = (1 - cos(x) ) / sin^2(x).

Multiplying both sides by the common denominator (1 + 1 / cos(x) ) * sin^2(x) we get

[ 1 / cos(x) ] * sin^2(x) = (1 - cos(x) ) ( 1 + 1 / cos(x) ). Multiplying out the right-hand side and simplifying the left we have

sin^2(x) / cos(x) = 1 + (1 / cos(x)) - cos(x) - 1 or since 1 - 1 = 0 just

sin^2 / cos(x) = [ 1 / cos(x)] - cos(x).

Multiplying both sides by the only remaining denominator cos(x) we have

sin^2(x) = 1 - cos^2(x), which we rearrange into the basic Pythagorean identity

sin^2 x + cos^2 x = 1. **


Self-critique (if necessary):


Self-critique Rating:


end document

Self-critique (if necessary):


Self-critique rating:


end document

Self-critique (if necessary):


Self-critique rating:



Check my notes. You need to self-critique. My notes address the self-critique process.
