Triangle Measurements


course Phy 231

Triangle activity) I got the following measurements for my triangle. They have the format (short side, long side, hypotenuse): (6.25, 8.05, 10.2)cm_f, (9.7, 12.5, 15.7)cm_s, (15.05, 19.25, 24.45)cm_d, (23.2, 29.9, 37.7)cm_t.When I compared the length of the hypotenuse by calculation v.s. by measurement, all percentages of error were under 0.004, or 0.4 percent, with 3 out of four under 0.0001, or 0.1 percent. This level of accuracy surprised me. Check it out if you want.


Very good.

The level of accuracy shouldn't surprise you. If you measure 20 cm accurate to the millimeter, then you are accurate to 1 part is 200, or +- 0.5%.

If you do a decent job of estimating to the tenth of a millimeter, you can be even more accurate than that.
