

course MTH-279

06/25 around 11:30AM. Pretty good amount of confusion on this assignment as far as whether or not I am in the right direction/what comes next.

Question: 3.5.6. Solve the equation dPdt = r ( 1 - P / P_c) P + M with r = 1, P_c = 1 and M = -1/4.YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Your solution:


dP / ( -P^2 + P - 1/4) = dt

Factor the denominator

-(P - 1/2) ^ 2

-dP / (P - 1/2)^2 = dt


1 / (P - 1/2) = t + c


P = 1 / (t + c) + 1/2

???? I am lost after this point, but suppose we use a form of the Riccati Equation ????


This is a good solution.

Note that as t -> infinity, P approaches 1/2, meaning that P approaches half the carrying capacity of the system.


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Given Solution:


Self-critique (if necessary):

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3.5.10. Solve dP/dt = k ( N - P) * P with P(0) = 100 000 assuming that P is the number of people, out of a population of N = 500 000, with a disease. Assume that k is not constant, as in the standard logistic model, but that k = 2 e^(-t) - 1. Plot your solution curve and estimate the maximum value of P, and also that value of t when P = 50 000. Interpret all your results in terms of the given situation.


Your solution:

dP/dt = (2 e^-t - 1) ( N - P) * P

dP / ( (N - P) P) = ( 2 e^(-t) - 1) ) dt

1 / N ln( P / (N - P) ) = -2 e^(-t) - t + c

ln( P / (N - P) ) = -2 N e^(-t) - N t + c

???? Not sure if I started this correctly, and if so I’m lost on the next steps????


You are trying to solve for P, so you would apply the inverse of the ln function to get

e^(ln( P / (N - P) )) = -e^(2 N e^(-t) - N t + c).

The resulting equation has P / (N - P) on the left-hand side, and can be solved for P (multiply both sides by N - ), collect all P terms on one side and factor out P, divide both sides by the rest).


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Given Solution:

Self-critique (if necessary):

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You were only one simple step short of the solution on the first problem.

I've indicated some additional steps on the second. You're welcome to pursue them and submit your work using a Question Form.
