course Phy 241
Very sorry for not having the time interval for each trial. I talked to Jeremy and Adam and I can't get the data from them any time soon. Also, I may have forgotten to send my access code in the Coeff. of Rest. lab, want me to resend or can you get it from this one ?
Magnets and cars
A car with a magnet on the end was brought into proximity with an opposing magnet and released. The distance traveled by the car was observed as a function of proximity.
The car was also timed as it coasted to rest over a variety of distances.
In some experiments the opposing magnet was brought into proximity with the car, which was free to accelerate as soon as the magnets were sufficiently close.
In some experiments the car was permitted to roll down an incline into proximity with a fixed magnet; the release point, distance of closest approach and rebound distance up the ramp were observed
In some variations two cars with opposing magnets were released simultaneously and distances from release point observed.
Insert a copy of your data here, along with any previously submitted work you wish to include:
Magnet to Car Proximity
course Phy 241
12/8 7
Magnet to Car ProximityFor this we had a car with a magnet attached on the end. With another magnet, we brought into a certain proximity with an opposing and realeased the car by hand.
The distance traveled by the car was then measured, timed, and compared to the proximity of the opposing magnet.
Some experiments we brought the opposing magnet into the car and stopped it at a certain proximity with our hand. This way the car was free to accelerate when it had enough
force from the opposing magnets.
In some experiments the car rolled down an incline into proximity with a magnet at a fixed distance which was in fact the release point. this release point was moved and we measured the return distance the car
had after it had rolled into the opposing magnet, and back up the ramp.
In some variations two cars with opposing magnets were released simultaneously and distances from release point observed.
We attempted this lab in two different ways; first, we held a car stationary with a magnet fastened to the back of it and brought an opposing magnet into the other at a certain distance.
Then released them by hand, measured the distance of both cars traveled to calculate the total PE with respect to proximity.
The other method we used was sliding the magnet to a certain proximity and stopping it with our hand as I stated before. Again here we compared both types of experements to how much PE was created.
Both of these attempts were moderately accurate, but because of human error, the PE could vary as much as 20%. Sliding the magnet in at a certain distance is innacurate because your hand can shift forward,
or even be in the wrong spot. The first experement has errors in the release. The finger could have slowed the car down quite a bit, absorbing the KE from the PE, and again, PE will vary with this.
The following data was recorded using the first method of gathering data.
I remember what the first method was, but at this point the general reader might have to go back and reread the description of the two methods.
Give the reader a little more to go on. You could, for example, say
'The following data was recorded using the first method, with both magnet and car initially stationary.'
... or something to that effect
Trial | dist of mag from car(cm) | dist of car(cm)
1, .5 37.8
2, 1 36.5
3, 1.5 29.1
4, 2 23
5, 2.5 19.9
6, 3 17.8
7, 3.5 14.4
8, 4 12.6
9, 4.5 10.4
This data shows that the closer the magnet is from the car, the more distance the car
will travel. It also shows that this relationship is not exactly linear, I suspect because of innacruate data
Would you expect the results to be linear? Why or why not?
For comparison consider the force the car would experience if brought against a compressed spring, where the force would be a linear function of position.
Would we expect the distance travfeled by the car to be a linear function of how far the spring is compressed?
How would we expect the magnetic force to be similar to, and how would we expect it to be different from, the force exerted by the spring?
The following data was recorded using the “second” method of gathering data.
Trial | dist of mag from car(cm) | dist of car(cm)
1, 1 29.3
2, 1.5 25
3, 2 23.5
4 2.5 18.5
5, 3 15.8
6, 3.5 9.3
7, 4 7.4
8, 4.5 5.6
The relationships shown here are very similar to first trial, but the main difference here is that the car traveled less distance overall.
Why do you think this might be the case? I believe the questions posed for this lab also address the question of why there should be a difference.
I think you have good data. I'll look forward to seeing what you do with the graphs, according to the additional questions posed in the 111130 document.
Data looks great, as before.
However It doesn't appear that you have answered the questions inserted into my original response.
Please see my notes and, unless my notes indicate that revision is optional, submit a copy of this document with revisions and/or questions, and mark your insertions with &&&& (please mark each insertion at the beginning and at the end).
Be sure to include the entire document, including my notes.
If my notes indicate that revision is optional, use your own judgement as to whether a revision will benefit you.