assignment 12

course phys 202

1.given the length of a string how do we determine the wavelengths of the first few harmonics? -the smaller the wavelength the more half waves can fit into a string so for example one can use the example for 1, 1* 1/2= 2L

2. Given the wavelengths of the first few harmonics and the velocity of a wave disturbance in the string, how do we determine the frequencies of the first few harmonics?

-To figure out the disturbance one can measure one second cycle by measuring the number of peaks that pass in that 1 wavelength cycle. This tells us the frequency which is equal to the velocity divided by the wavelength


3. Given the tension and mass density of a string how do we determine the velocity of the wave in the string?

-We divide tension by mass per unit length: v = sqrt ( tension / (mass/length) ).

4. en phy explain in your own words the meaning of the principal of superposition

-the principle of superposition explains that when two wavelengths come together, one can add the displacements where the meet to create the new wave

5gen phy what does it mean to say that the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence?

-angle of incidence is the angle that is perpendicular to the surface, when a ray relfects the angle that forms on the other side

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