Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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I need to know what I have recieved a grade for in this cource so far. I am very unclear of what assignments are been graded and what weight they carry.
When will you post the grades for this course?
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@& Feedback is given and if necessary revisions are requested, but no grades are posted for homework. If you do it and revise as requested, you pretty much get full credit.
Once labs are completed as assigned, you typically get full credit for labs.
At any point you can request an update on the status of your homework and labs. I see that you have submitted a number of assignment subsequent to this one. That work should be sufficient for me to give you an evaluation, so after you have reviewed my feedback on those assignments, feel free to make the request.
Only test grades are actually posted. The first test is the Major Quiz, which will be completed as part of Assignment 7.