Testing Question

course Phy 202

Professor Smith,Under assignment 9 it indicates to complete test 1 in accordance with the instructions on the Supervised Current Semester page. However, since I have registered for the class and now sign into blackboard, I do not appear to have access to this page anymore, unless I am not accessing it correctly now. In the past I could log in as vhstudent and scroll down to this page, but now when I log in I only have the announcements and the welcome target with your link. I even tried to log in as vhstudent to access this page and that log in is now different than it was previously, beacuase it does not have the listing of courses. Has the access to this page changed? I am preparing to take exam one, and want to make sure I do so correctly.

It's beyond me why the vhstudent user was deleted by Blackboard, but it was. I had to go back and re-enroll that user (easy enough to do). You're still locked into Fall 06 pages, but I don't anticipate changes to the Spring 07 Sup Study that would affect you. Better off with the Fall, since you're grandfathered to that syllabus anyway.

Let me know if that login stops working again.
