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Professor Smith,

Since this is the last lab assignment that I need to submit, I am wondering how my lab grade will be communicated? Do I need to submit and email from my student account requesting the lab grade, or will you forward it once all labs are reviewed. Please let me know if I need request this information. Thanks.

From the previous experiment, it was found that the maximum distance is 4.3 cm. As far as the width of the image, it does not appear to change much regardless of book distance in relationship to the cylinder. In addition, the image size increases vertically at significantly larger rate than when the light source was farther from the cylinder. Overall, the image maintains, what appears to be, a relatively constant width when compared to the image with the light source at farther distances, eventually vanishing when the book is at a specific distance from the cylinder.

In regards to what this means, since the water filled cylinder is acting as a lens, the distance of the light source from the lens determines the focal point. Due to the reflection and refraction of the light source through the lens at very close distances, the focal point is lost. This conclusion was drawn due to the resulting image clarity and focus at distances up to this critical distance.

As stated above, the distance where the image appears to maintain a constant width is at approximately 4.3 cm. As far as the explanation, the determination was made as a result of the same factors mentioned above.

10.2, 29.8, 9.5

13.0, 5.2

0.2, 0.2

The first line, from left to right, is the diameter of the lens, the distance from the light source to the front of the lens, and the distance from the image to the back of the lens, all in centimeters.

The second line is distance between the two light sources, and the image separation distance.

The third line is the width of the images on the background.

These results indicate that the distance from the light source to the lens allows an image to be focused on a background. The realtive distance between the light sources results in a realtive seperation of the reflected and refracted images. As far as the uncertainty of the measured separation of images, the images were relatively sharp, however, the imgae did have some float, left to right, on the back drop, which I would ascertain, or hypothsize, could result in an error in the magnitude of 0.2 cm.

As the light sources are moved further from the lens, the separation between the images becomes less.

4.0, 158.8, 6.0

13.0, 0.8

0.1, 0.1

The first line, from left to right, is the diameter of the lens, the distance from the light source to the front of the lens, and the distance from the image to the back of the lens, all in centimeters.

The second line is distance between the two light sources, and the image separation distance.

The third line is the width of the images on the background.

These results indicate that the distance from the light source to the lens allows an image to be focused on a background. The realtive distance between the light sources results in a realtive seperation of the reflected and refracted images. The farther from the lens, the less the separation and resulting reduced width of the image. As far as the uncertainty of the measured separation of images, the images were relatively sharp, however, the imgae did have some float, left to right but not as bad as the previous measurment.However I would ascertain, or hypothsize, that the error could be approximately 0.1 cm due to the decreased sharpness and width of the image. For this part of the experiment, I believe that the distance to produce and measure the images cold have been further increased, but the length of my table was the limiting factor, I cold not move any further away from the lens.

6.5, 6.7

7.5, 9.5

The first line contains the distane of the light source to the lens and the distance from the image to the lens.

The second line contains the separation of the two light source and the separation of the two images. It appears that the actual lens requires the light sources to be significantl closer in order to resolve the actual image. As far as the images, the vertical size is significantly decreased, but the width of the images are larger.The images have good sharpness and focus once the proper distance is obtained. The accuracy of measuring the separation appears to be consistent with previous measurements, due to the image dancing on the background. However, just from observation, the images did appear to be slightly different in width.

The maximum distance that I could achieve, where it appeared that the images were merging, was 133.7 cm, with the light source separation being 7.5 cm. The distance from the lens to the back drop remained the same at 6.7 cm.

5.4, 6.4

7.5, 8.3

The values above, starting with the first row is the distance from the light source to the lens, and the second value in that row is the distance from the image to the lens.

The second row is the distance between the light sources and the distance between the images.

As the light sources were moved closer to the lens, the width of the images began to increase, with eventual image distortion that could not be easily distinguished. As the separation increased, both images became less wider, less visible and less focused, therefore, the sharpness of the images decreased.

3.0 hours

Professor Smith,

I have thoroughly enjoyed your physics class, and I appreciate your time, patience and understanding. As with all distance learning programs, there are some obstacles to overcome, but you have kept those to a minimum and I appreciate you help and guidance. Thanks to you, and this class sicne it was the only class I required, I will be graduating next month from ODU with my electrical engineering degree. Thanks again.

Good work on this lab. I'll email you regarding your grade, but your performance on the labs has been on a par with your performance on the tests