course PHY 201
2/09 2
First-semester physics Asst 04: Initial position, velocity and acceleration are controlled by sliders. Experiment with positive, negative and zero initial velocity, combined with positive, negative and
zero acceleration. Use low, medium and high initial velocity with low, medium and high
accelerations. Spend 20 minutes, 15 minutes to familiarize yourself with the simulation and 5
minutes to jot down your results and your insights. Submit a copy of your results and insights using
the Submit Work Form, with title 'Moving Man'
After experimenting with varying acceleration speeds and velocities, I found that as I suspected,
the greater the acceleration rate, the greater the difference between the initial velocity and the
final velocity. Looking at the graphs in the simulator between the Position, velocity, and
acceleration vs. clock time, position and velocity showed increasing slope with respect to
clocktime, however since acceleration was uniform, the slope of acceleration vs. clocktime
remained constant at the value of the particular acceleration rate tested.
My results are as follows with initial velocity first, acceleration, and final velocity in comma
delimited form. The positions were between 0m and 10m for each velocity tested. Low,
Medium, and High values were .5, 1, and 5 (m/s for velocity and m/s^2 for acceleration.)
.5, .5, 3.2
.5, 1, 4.5
.5, 5, 5.9
1, .5, 3.3
1, 1, 4.6
1, 5, 10.17
5, .5, 5.9
5, 1, 6.7
5, 5, 11.25"
Very good. Thanks for the feedback.