discussion form

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Please disregard the part on me being unable to locate my access form. I found it and I now how to use it, yes! However please read the rest of info enclosed. thanks


Just wanted to touch base with you on a few things, I have finally finished my orientation process and would like the go ahead to continue forward. I finished it yesterday and sent you a message with the form. However, I have not received an answer back. I believe you have probably have sent me something through the access form. However, I don't know how to get to it. Can you please give me a step by step instruction were I needed to locate this access form or email what ever it is that you send your feed back to. Also, I wanted to express my concern on this class. I feel that the math work is relatively simple, however I am having a difficult time applying my thoughts and work on the computer. I know this class would be a lot easier if I could just do the work in pencil and paper. I did not realize the complexity of this distant learning class, if I had known that the majority of our work would be put on the computer I would not have signed up for this particular style of class. My main concern is that I need to get through this class. If I am unable to complete this class I can not take my two Education math classes this coming fall at Virginia Intermont. I am hoping that with your help I can find some solution to this problem. If I could do half the work on the computer and the other half on paper that would be great as well. Please let me know what your thoughts are on this matter.

Thanks Natalia Perez

Since you haven't yet submitted any of the qa's or queries, you aren't in a position to judge whether or not they are effective for you. You should do the assignments as specified at least through Chapter 2. You work through the q_a_, with pencil and paper in front of you (I don't recommend that you actually do the mathematics without pencil and paper), then you work through the assigned section of the text, then do the assigned problems, and submit the query.

I know of no case where following the procedures specified for the course has interfered with a student's learning process, and in most cases it significantly enhances the process.

However, if you can pass the tests on your without submitting assignments that is perfectly permissible. I don't recommend that approach because, while it works fine for some students, it is not typically a successful strategy.
