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I am having trouble with multiple things. first, it has taken me somewhere in the range of 20 hours total to complete the entire orientation and figure out everything for the course and i'm still confused. i had no trouble with the orientation documents, but they were all so time consuming, i havent even done any real physics. then i tried to do the transition to physics II assignment and i cant get the timer program to run. the direct link gives the CDG error, but the directions to fix that do not work. i'm operating on a windows 7 computer, so i cant imagine the problem. when i try to open the file containing the graphics update, my computer doesnt recognize a folder that would open this. lastly, i cant understand the organization of the class files on the CD, i feel like i need a cheat sheet to decipher it. PLEASE just tell me what i need to do, there is way too much information on these websites. i just want to know what i need to read, watch, and solve so i can get to this class. i'm sorry i didnt fill this form out properly, i really just need a hand with everything. thanks.
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