course Phy 201 The reason the time between questions is so small is because I actually print the questions off, do them at work, and then type up the answers that I come up with when I get home into the actual program to submit to you. X|ňz}ͅxDassignment #033
21:48:43 `q001. Note that this assignment contains 11 questions. A rotating object has kinetic energy, since a rotating object has mass in motion. However we cannot easily use 1/2 m v^2 to calculate this kinetic energy because different parts of a typical object are rotating at different velocities. For example a rigid uniform rod rotated about one of its ends is moving faster near its far end than near its axis of rotation; it has a different speed at every distance from its axis of rotation. However as long as the rod remains rigid the entire rod moves at the same angular velocity. It turns out that the kinetic energy of a rotating object can be found if instead of 1/2 m v^2 we replace m by the moment of inertia I and v by the angular velocity `omega. Thus we have KE = 1/2 I `omega^2. What is the kinetic energy of a uniform sphere of radius 2.5 meters (that's a pretty big sphere) and mass 40,000 kg when its angular velocity is 12 rad/sec (that's almost two revolutions per second)?
RESPONSE --> I guess we are supposed to use the same equation given in the problem: KE=.5*I*'omega. In order to find I, we have to find the sum of the moment of inertias. Since the rod is uniform in terms of its mass, we can figure out the inertia by using the equation I=2/5MR^2. From there, we just fill in the information we were given in the problem, such as the mass and the radius: I=2/5(40000kg)(2.5)^2=100000 kg*m^2. Now, for the KE equation, we know I and are given 'omega, so we can solve the equation: KE=.5*I*'omega=.5*100,000 kg*m^2 * 12radians/second=7200000J confidence assessment: 2
21:48:52 The KE is 1/2 I `omega^2. We first need to find I; then we can use the given angular velocity to easily find the KE. For this sphere we have I = 2/5 M R^2 = 2/5 * 40,000 kg * (2.5 m)^2 = 100,000 kg m^2. The kinetic energy of the sphere is thus KE = 1/2 I `omega^2 = 1/2 * 100,000 kg m^2 * (12 rad/s)^2 = 7.2 * 10^6 Joules.
RESPONSE --> I understand. self critique assessment: 3
21:49:14 `q002. By carefully measuring the energy required to accelerate it from rest to an angular velocity of 500 rad/s, we find that the KE of a certain uniform disk is 45,000 Joules. What is the moment of inertia of that disk?
RESPONSE --> For this question, we are using the same KE formula, but instead of solving for the KE, this time we are solving for I, the moment of inertia. I normally would fill in the variables and then solve for KE, but everything previously in this course has indicated that one should solve for the variable and then fill in the known numbers, so that is how I will proceed, even though it is ""as broad as it is long."" KE=.5*I*'omega, so I=2*KE/omega^2. Now, solving for actual numbers, I=2*(45000J)/(500r/s)^2=90000J/250000r^2/s^2=.36 - I am not quite sure what the units are. confidence assessment: 2
21:49:31 We know that KE = 1/2 I `omega^2, and we know the KE and we know `omega. Solving this equation for I we obtain I = 2 * KE / `omega^2. So for this disk I = 2 * (45,000 J) / (500 rad/s)^2 = 90,000 J / ( 250,000 rad^2 / s^2) = .36 kg m^2. [ Note that if we know the mass or the radius of the disk we can find the other, since I = 1/2 M R^2 = .36 kg m^2. ]
RESPONSE --> I see now that the units are kg*m^2. I should have known this. self critique assessment: 2
21:49:48 `q003. A 3-kg mass is tied to a thin cord wound around the thin axle of a disk of radius 20 cm and mass 60 kg. The weight descends 200 meters down a long elevator shaft, turning the axle and accelerating the disk. If all the potential energy lost by the weight is transferred into the KE of the disk, then what will be the angular velocity of the disk at the end of the weight's descent?
RESPONSE --> First, we know the weight of the object is its mass multiplied by gravity, which is 3kg*9.8m/s^2=29.4N. So, we know that the 'dPE=29.4N*200M=5880J (this is a decrease because the object is moving in the downward direction). Since 'dKE=-dPE or vice versa, we know that since the PE is losing this much, the KE will gain about this much, since they are presumably equal and opposite. I think the next course of action would be to solve the equation from what we do know, for angular velocity; but, first, we have to find I. I=.5mr^2= .5(60kg)(.2m)^2=.2kg*m^2 (I remembered the units this time!). So, KE=.5*I*'omega, rearranged to solve for omega is 'omega=sqrt(2KE/I). From here, we can simply fill in the variables: 'omega=sqrt(2*5880J/1.2kg*m^2)=99 rad/s. confidence assessment: 2
21:50:00 The 3-kg mass has a weight of 3 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 = 29.4 Newtons. As it descends 200 meters its PE decreases by `dPE = 29.4 N * 200 m = 5880 Joules. The disk, by assumption, will gain this much KE (note that in reality the disk will not gain quite this much KE because of frictional losses and also because the descending weight will have some KE, as will the shaft of the disk; however the frictional loss won't be much if the system has good bearings, the weight won't be traveling very fast if the axle is indeed thin, and a thin axle won't have much moment of inertia, so we can as a first approximation ignore these effects). The KE of the disk is KE = 1/2 I `omega^2, so if we can find I our knowledge of KE will permit us to find `omega = +-`sqrt( 2 KE / I ). We know the radius and mass of the disk, so we easily find that I = 1/2 M R^2 = 1/2 * 60 kg * (.2 m)^2 = 1.2 kg m^2. Thus the angular velocity will be +- `sqrt( 2 * 58800 J / (1.2 kg m^2) ) = +- 310 rad/s (approx).
RESPONSE --> I didn't get the 300 and some answer that you did; however, I did it the same way. I think that what happened was the KE was 5800 but in your answer the 5800 got an extra zero which might have thrown the answer off. That is the only discrepancy that I can seem to find (Oh, and I forgot the plus or minus). self critique assessment: 2
21:50:17 `q004. A rotating object also has angular momentum L = I * `omega. If two rotating objects are brought together and by one means or another joined, they will exert equal and opposite torques on one another and will therefore end up with an angular momentum equal to the total of their angular momenta before collision. What is the angular momentum of a disk whose moment of inertia is .002 kg m^2 rotating on a turntable whose moment of inertia is .001 kg m^2 at 4 rad/s?
RESPONSE --> I think I should literally add the inertias and then fill them into the L=I*'omega equation. So, .002 kg m^2+.001 kg m^2=.003 kg*m^2. 'Omega is 4 radians/sec. To fill these into the equation we get L=I*'omega=.003 kg*m^2 * 4 radians/sec=.012 kg m^2/s. confidence assessment: 2
21:50:22 The total moment of inertia of the system is .002 kg m^2 + .001 kg m^2 = .003 kg m^2. The angular momentum of the system is therefore L = I * `omega = .003 kg m^2 * (4 rad/s) = .012 kg m^2 / s.
RESPONSE --> self critique assessment: 3
21:50:39 `q005. If a stick with mass .5 kg and length 30 cm is dropped on the disk of the preceding example in such a way that its center coincides with the axis of rotation, then what will be the angular velocity of the system after frictional torques bring the stick and the disk to the same angular velocity?
RESPONSE --> I am not sure how to go about solving this problem. confidence assessment: 0
21:50:56 Since the stick and the disk exert equal and opposite torques on one another, the angular momentum of the system will be conserved. Since we know enough to find the moment of inertia of the new system, we will be able to easily find its angular velocity. The moment of inertia of the stick is 1/12 * .5 kg * (.3 m)^2 = .00375 kg m^2, so the moment of inertia of the system after everything settles down will be the sum of the original .003 kg m^2 and the stick's .00375 kg m^2, or .00675 kg m^2. If we designate this moment of inertia by I ' = .00675 kg m^2 and the new angular velocity by `omega ', we have L = I ' `omega ' so `omega ' = L / I ', where L is the .012 kg m^2 total angular momentum of the original system. Thus the new angular velocity is `omega ' = L / I ' = .012 kg m^2 / s / (.00675 kg m^2) = 1.8 rad/s, approx.. Thus when the stick was added, increasing the moment of inertia from .003 kg m^2 / s to .00675 kg m^2 / s (slightly more than doubling I), the angular velocity decreased proportionately from 4 rad/s to 1.8 rad/s (slightly less than half the original angular velocity).
RESPONSE --> Okay, I understand that the angular momentum will be conserved. We then use the information given to find the moment of inertia which will then allow us to find the angular velocity by using the following procedures: First we find the moment of inertia; then, we find the sum of the inertia of the original disk and of the stick. Since we know L and I, we use these to solve for 'omega, which is still unknown. After filling in the variables and solving for 'omega, we have found the ""new"" angular velocity. self critique assessment: 2
21:51:11 `q006. An ice skater whose moment of inertia is approximately 1.2 kg m^2 holds two 5 kg weights at arm's length, a distance of 60 cm from the axis of rotation, as she spins about a vertical axis at 6 rad/s (almost 1 revolution / sec ). What is her total angular momentum and her total angular kinetic energy?
RESPONSE --> We can find the inertia by plugging in the numbers we have been given. Of course, the 60 centimeters must be converted to .6 m. From there, I=mr^2=5kg*.6m^2=1.8kg*m^2. Since the skater holds two weights, the MOI of these are twice what we just found, or 3.6 kg*m^2. Now, we take the skater's inertia and the inertia of the weights and add them together. 3.6+1.2=4.8 kg*m^2 (this is the sum of the moment of inertias acting on the system). Angular momentum=I*omega, and we now know both these variables. 4.8 kg*m^2 * the given 6 r/s=28.8kg*m^2/s. Finally, the KE=.5*I*'omega^2=.54.8 kg*m^2*(6 r/s)^2= 86.4J. confidence assessment: 3
21:51:16 The moment of inertia of each of the two weights is m r^2 = 5 kg * (.6 m)^2 = 1.8 kg m^2, so the total moment of inertia of both weights is 3.6 kg m^2 and the moment of inertia of the system consisting of the skater and the weights is 1.2 kg m^2 + 3.6 kg m^2 = 4.8 kg m^2. The angular momentum of the system is therefore 4.8 kg m^2 * 6 rad/s = 28.8 kg m^2 / s. The total angular kinetic energy is KE = 1/2 I `omega^2 = 1/2 * 4.8 kg m^2 * (6 rad/s)^2 = 86.4 Joules.
RESPONSE --> self critique assessment: 3
21:51:31 `q007. The skater in the preceding example pulls the 5 kg weights close in toward her stomach, decreasing the distance of each from the axis of rotation to 10 cm. What now is her moment of inertia, angular velocity and angular KE?
RESPONSE --> We find the moment of inertias this time the same way we did last time, except this time we put in 10 cm or .1 meters instead of 60 cm. So, I=mr^2=5 kg*(.1 m)^2 = .05 kg m^2. Then, to find the sum of the inertias, we consider that there are two weights and add this to the skater's inertia to get 1.3 kg*m^2. From here, I am not really sure what to do. I am guessing that the momentum stays the same. So, since we know 'L and 'I, we can solve for 'omega. 'omega=L/I=28.8 kg*m^2.s (from before)/1.3 kg*m^2=22.15 r/s. Now we can solve for the KE since we know I and 'omega, so KE=.5*I*'omega=.5*1.3 kg*m^2*(22.15r/s)^2=a little less than 319 J. confidence assessment: 3
21:51:34 Her angular momentum must be conserved, so L = angular momentum remains at 28.8 kg m^2 / s. The moment of inertia for each of the two 5 kg masses is now only m r^2 = 5 kg * (.1 m)^2 = .05 kg m^2 and her total moment of inertia is thus now 1.2 kg m^2 + 2 (.05 kg m^2) = 1.3 kg m^2. If we let I ' and `omega ' stand for the new moment of inertia and angular velocity, we have L = I ' * `omega ', so `omega ' = L / I ' = 28.8 kg m^2 / s / ( 1.3 kg m^2) = 22 rad/s, approx.. Moment of inertia decreased from 4.8 kg m^2 to 1.3 kg m^2 so the angular velocity increased by the same proportion from 6 rad/s to about 22 rad/s. Her new kinetic energy is therefore KE ' = 1/2 I ' * ( `omega ' )^2 = 1/2 * 1.3 kg m^2 * (22 rad/s)^2 = 315 Joules, approx.. [ Note that to increase KE a net force was required. This force was exerted by the skater's arms as she pulled the weights inward against the centrifugal forces that tend to pull the weights outward. ]
RESPONSE --> self critique assessment: 3
21:54:55 `q008. When a torque `tau acts through an angular displacement `d`theta, it does work. Suppose that a net torque of 3 m N acts for 10 seconds on a disk, initially at rest, whose moment of inertia is .05 kg m^2. What angular velocity will the disk attain, through how many radians will it rotate during the 10 seconds, and what will be its kinetic energy at the end of the 10 seconds?
RESPONSE --> 'dW='tau*angular displacement 'alpha='tau/F=3mN/.05 kg*m^2=60r/s^2 To find the change in velocity, we can multiply the acceleration change by the time change to get velocity. So, 60 r/s^2*10seconds=600 r/s. To find average velocity, we can simply average the final and initial velocities, assuming the initial is zero. So, 0+600/2=300 r/s. As for how many radians it rotates through, 300 radians/s * 10 seconds=3000 radians. KE=.5*I*'omega^2=.5(.05 kg*m^2)*600 r/s^2=9000J confidence assessment: 2
21:55:04 A net torque of 3 m N acting on the disk whose moment of inertia is.05 kg m^2 will result in angular acceleration `alpha = `tau / I = 3 m N / (.05 kg m^2) = 60 rad/sec^2. In 10 seconds this angular acceleration will result in a change in angular velocity `d`omega = 60 rad/s^2 * 10 s = 600 rad/s. Since the torque and moment of inertia are uniform the acceleration will be uniform and the average angular velocity will therefore be `omegaAve = (0 + 600 rad/s) / 2 = 300 rad/s. With this average angular velocity for 10 seconds the disk will rotate through angular displacement `d`omega = 300 rad/s * 10 sec = 3000 rad. Its kinetic energy at its final 600 rad/s angular velocity will be KE = 1/2 I `omega^2 = 1/2 * .05 kg m^2 * (600 rad/s)^2 = 9000 Joules.
RESPONSE --> This makes pretty good sense. self critique assessment: 3
21:55:58 `q010. Show that this 9000 Joule energy is equal to the product of the torque and the angular displacement.
RESPONSE --> The displacement we found by multiplying the velocity by the time. It is 3000r. The torque was given as 3 mN. So, 3000 r* 3mN=9000J confidence assessment: 3
21:56:02 The angular displacement is 3000 rad and the torque is 3 m N. Their product is 9000 N m = 9000 Joules. Note that the m N of torque is now expressed as the N m = Joules of work. This is because a radian multiplied by a meter of radius gives a meter of displacement, and work is equal to the product of Newtons and meters of displacement.
RESPONSE --> self critique assessment: 3
21:56:15 `q011. How does the previous example illustrate the fact that the work done by a net torque is equal to the product of the torque and the angular displacement?
RESPONSE --> I am not really sure how to answer this. confidence assessment: 0
21:56:37 From the net torque, moment of inertia and time interval we found that the KE increased from 0 to 9000 Joules. We know that the KE increase of a system is equal to the net work done on the system, so 9000 Joules of net work must have been done on the system. Multiplying the angular displacement by the torque gave us 9000 Joules, equal to the KE increase, so at least in this case the work done was the product of the angular displacement and the net torque. It isn't difficult to prove that this is always the case for any system, and that in general the work `dW done by a net torque `tauNet acting through an angular displacement `d`theta is `dW = `tauNet * `d`theta. UNIVERSITY STUDENT COMMENT (relevant only to students who know calculus): Speaking in terms of calculus... 'dW=int('tau with respect to 'theta) from 'theta_1 to 'theta_2 = ('tau*'theta_2)-('tau*'theta_1)='tau*(theta_2-'theta_1)='tau*'d'theta Amazing! INSTRUCTOR RESPONSE: Very good. That will of course work if tau is known as a function of angular position theta (e.g., consider a cam accelerated by a falling mass, in the same manner as the disk with bolts except that the rim of the cam is not at constant distance from the axis of rotation). The shape of the cam may be described in terms of polar coordinates, where the coordinate r is given in terms of the angle theta from the polar axis of the cam.
RESPONSE --> That makes sense: it is from where (and how) the formula for work is derived (and why it works). self critique assessment: 2