>1.) I have a question on problem #30 in the text assignment.
>Where do you get dimmension information or do I need to
>assume dimmensions?
>I don‘t have a copy of the text in front of me. A
question must be self-contained. On this problem, for
example, if you mention something like ‘window area
estimate‘ then I‘ll know what you‘re asking about.
>One way would be to make a sketch of a typical side of
a typical house, then measure the dimensions of the side and
the dimensions of the windows. Figure out the areas.
> Quicker and just as good: Make your sketch. Then try to
fill the rest of the wall with average-sized windows and see
how many windows it takes, compared to how many you
originally had in your sketch.
>2.) I have worked through rough estimating problems but
>don‘t seem to understand them completly. Could you explain
>This question needs to be more specific. I can‘t
improve here on the explanation given in the book, though I
might be able to write an alternative explanation.
Sometimes, if I think the book‘s explanation could be
improved upon, I do that. However that‘s not the case
>What I can do here is address specific questions about
specific problems, where you tell me what you do and do not
understand about a given situation.
>3.) Are we supposed to submit the homework assignment or
just do them?
>Do them and come to class with the problems done,
because there‘s a good chance you‘ll need to repeat part of
your explanation of a problem on a quiz.