question form


Phy 201

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** Question Form_labelMessages **

Questions about major quiz

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I sent this in an email a couple of days ago and I haven't heard from you, so I thought you might get to it if I submitted a form.

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I have a couple questions. Is the major quiz due by 2/17 or is the due dates document suggesting when we should be finishing our work? I thought that I had read that there are no hard deadlines in this class except that all work had to be done be the last day of the semester, but if I did read that I can't find where I read it. I realize that I am behind in the class and I am working hard to catch up, but I would rather not take the major quiz without completing the all the material for it. Saturday will be the only day that I can get to the lab to take the quiz, so if you could let me know by then I would appreciate it.

My next question may be a stupid one, but I figure it doesn't hurt to ask. Are we allowed to use or notes or any other materials while taking or major quiz or tests?

Thank you for your help.


It's always important to use the form before using email. My inbox is a mess, email is untraceable, and the form is much more reliable.

To answer your questions:

Take the Major Quiz after you've finished the work that precedes it.

And for your own sake don't fall futher behind. We're 1/3 of the way through the semester and you don't want this stuff to pile up on you.

With that caveat you did read correctly about deadlines.

And the work you've been submitting looks quite solid. Not error-free but you're approaching everything in a way that's should lead you to a good result.
