course Mth 151 for some reason i couldnt get assignment 20 to run!! assignment 21 22:19:28`q001. If we define the operation @ on two numbers x and y by
RESPONSE --> 2 @ 5, 3 @ 8, 7 @ 13 2 @ 5=2*5=10 10=20 20/3=6 2r 2@5=2 3 @ 8=3*8=24 24=48 48/3=16 3@8=0 7 @ 13=7*13=91 91=182 182/3=60 2r 7@13=2 confidence assessment: 3
22:22:21 `q002. If we define the @ operation from the previous exercise just on the set {5, 6, 7} , we can use the same process as in the preceding solution to get 5 @ 5 = 2, 5 @ 6 = 0, 5 @ 7 = 1, 6 @ 5 = 0, 6 @ 6 = 0, 6 @ 7 = 0, 7 @ 5 = 1, 7 @ 6 = 0 and 7 @ 7 = 2. We can put these results in a table as follows: @ 5 6 7 5 2 0 1 6 0 0 0 7 1 0 2. Make a table for the @ operation restricting x and y to the set {2, 3, 4}.
RESPONSE --> table : @ ( 2, 3, 4 ) 2 2 0 1 3 0 0 0 4 1 0 2 confidence assessment: 2
22:24:35 `q003. All the x and y values for the table in the preceding problem came from the set {2, 3, 4}. From what set are the results x @ y taken?
RESPONSE --> Operation x@y consit of a remainder when it is divided by 3 confidence assessment: 1
22:26:15 `q004. Are the results of the operation x @ y on the set {2, 3, 4} all members of the set {2, 3, 4}?
RESPONSE --> @ 2 3 4 2 1 0 2 3 0 0 0 4 2 0 1 confidence assessment: 2
22:32:31 `q005. Since the operation x @ y on the set {2, 3, 4} can result in at least some numbers which are not members of the set, we say that the @operation is not closed on the set {2, 3, 4}. Is the @ operation closed on the set S = {0, 1, 2}? Is the @ operation closed on the set T = {0, 2}? Is the @ operation closed on the set R = {1, 2}?
RESPONSE --> s=0,1,2- closed the operation gives one of the div. by 3, a remainder of 0,1,2 t=0,2-closed the operation of all results 0&2. r=1,2- closed all results are 1,2 confidence assessment: 1
22:34:55 `q006. How can we tell by looking at the table whether the operation is closed?
RESPONSE --> All the #s come from the left column under the @ in a table. confidence assessment: 1
22:35:47 `q007. When calculating x @ y for two numbers x and y, does it make a difference whether we calculate x @ y or y @ x?
RESPONSE --> they are both the same: x*y or y*x confidence assessment: 2
22:37:27 `q008. Does the operation of subtraction of whole numbers have the commutative property?
RESPONSE --> not true x-y=y-x sub. of a whole #s doesnt have commutative property. confidence assessment: 2
22:37:52 `q009. Is the operation of subtraction closed on the set of whole numbers?
RESPONSE --> not closed confidence assessment: 2
22:39:01 `q010. Is the operation of addition closed and commutative on the set of whole numbers?
RESPONSE --> they can be added either way x+y OR y+x confidence assessment: 3
22:40:03 `q011. When we multiply a number by 1, what must be our result?
RESPONSE --> the # 1 mult. by a another # is that #. confidence assessment: 3
22:42:02 `q012. A number which does not change any number with which it is combined using a certain operation is called the identity for the operation. As we saw in the preceding exercise, the number 1 is the identity for the operation of multiplication on real numbers. Does the operation @ (which was defined in preceding exercises by x @ y = remainder when x * y is doubled and divided by 3) have an identity on the set {0, 1, 2}? Does @ have an identity on the set {0, 2}?
RESPONSE --> 2 is the identity @ 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 1 1 0 1 2 confidence assessment: 2
22:43:33 `q013. Does the set of whole numbers on the operation of addition have an identity?
RESPONSE --> 0 is the identity for addition on the set of a whole number confidence assessment: 1