ball down ramp

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I submitted the pearl pendulum experiment, but i am not sure if it was received. I kept getting a message that the homepage could not be found and the system shut down. I would think the time required would be least on the steepest ramp. I would expect the time intervals to be decreasing. 1. 1.53 2. 1.59 3. 1.56 4. 1.63 5. 1.48 6. 1.44 7. 1.44 8. 1.36 9. 1.52 10. 1.38 1. 1.094 2. 1.094 3. 1.063 4. 1.156 5. 1.156 6. 1.094 7. 1.031 8. 1.078 9. 1.078 10. 1.031 1. .844 2. .828 3. .844 4. .984 5. .797 6. .828 7. .799 8. .828 9. .844 10. .875 My results support my hypotheses that the time interval will decrease with increased slope. I would think that the average velocity would increase with the increasing slope of the ramp. increasing gravity As we gather data, it should pattern after our speculations.

Please let me know if you have any questions related to this experiment.