ball down ramp

Your 'ball down ramp' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

Your general comment

Will a steeper ramp give greater or lesser time?

I think that the ball on the steepest ramp will require the least amount of time to reach the end.

As slopes increases will time intervals increase, decrease or show no pattern?

I would expect that the time intervals would decrease as the slopes increased, because the greater the slope, the shorter the time interval.

Your report of 5 trials each way for 1 domino

First System:












Your report of 5 trials each way for 2 dominoes

First System: (with 2 dominoes)












Your report of 5 trials each way for 3 dominoes

First System: (3 dominoes)












Do your results support or fail to support your hypothesis about increasing or decreasing times?

The steeper the slope, the slower the time. This fails to support my original hypotheses.

How do you think ave velocity is related to slope?

The velocity decreased as the slope increased. The more dominoes I used, the slower the ball rolled, and when I changed the position of the dominoes, the ball also slowed. This is because the ball traveled at an angle(when reversed).

Speculate on why ave velocity changes with slope.

To me, my results do not make sense. I would think the steeper the slope, the faster the ball would travel. I am unsure why it resulted this way??

How could you test your speculations?

In order to verify your results, you could keep testing to be sure your results are valid.

Your report has been received. You appear to have good data. We will be discussing this work as a group, after the due date.

Note that the 1-domino ramp is the least steep, the 3-domino ramp the steepest. I believe your data indicate that the times required on the steeper ramps are less than those required on the less-steep ramps, and that this is consistent with your original hypothesis.