PHY 201
Your 'cq_1_23.1' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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A wad of paper is dropped from a second-story balcony and falls through still air to the ground.
As it speeds up, what happens to the air resistance it encounters?
answer/question/discussion: The air resistance increases
What happens to the net force acting on it?
The net force decreases... That is the force of gravity is constant but as resistance increases it decreases the Fnet
What happens to its acceleration?
Its acceleration actually decreases.
Its velocity will continue to increase but just not at the same rate.
If it dropped from a much higher point, what would happen to the net force and the acceleration?
It will decrease, both will as stated before but in a greater quantity as opposed to what it would being dropped only from second story.
air resistance will approach weight, so acceleration will approach zero, and velocity will approach a limiting value called the terminal velocity
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15 min
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Good work. See my notes and let me know if you have questions.