PHY 201
Your 'cq_1_24.1' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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If an airplane is flying north, from what direction would the wind be blowing to most effectively cause the aircraft to veer toward the east?
What sort of path would it follow for the first second or so?
The wind would need to be blowing from the West. Also maybe if it blew from the North West that would cause the plane to go more towards the east.
At first it will still go North but kind of slowly curve towards the east.
If the wind keeps shifting so as to remain perpendicular to the direction of motion what path will the airplane follow?
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10 min
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At least part of your solution does not agree with the solution and comments given at the link below. You should view the solution at that link and self-critique as indicated there.
This link also expands on these topics and alerts you to many of the common errors made by students in the first part of this course.