course PHY 122 June 17 2:32 pm \݁캭Fٗassignment #006
11:44:50 query introset change in pressure from velocity change. Explain how to get the change in fluid pressure given the change in fluid velocity, assuming constant altitude
RESPONSE --> The change in pressure will be negative because we assume that the term rho g y (change in altitude) will be constant. The term rho*g*y will be constant to .5 p*v^2 and we can rewrite the equation so that -dP = -d(pv^2) = .5p(v1^2-v^2)
Yی↋ݙ\G} assignment #006 006. `query 5 Physics II 06-17-2009 zܩ䋾rZ assignment #006 006. `query 5 Physics II 06-17-2009
12:30:18 query introset change in pressure from velocity change. Explain how to get the change in fluid pressure given the change in fluid velocity, assuming constant altitude
RESPONSE --> we can ignore the term p*g*y since we are assuming constant altitude. We know that an increase in the kinetic energy term (.5 rho v^2) will result in a decrease in pressure. The difference between P2-P1 will equal .5 rho (v2^2-v1^2)
12:30:53 What do you think are the average velocities of the 'red' and the 'blue' particles and what do you think it is about the 'blue' particle that makes is so?
RESPONSE --> Enter, as appropriate, an answer to the question, a critique of your answer in response to a given answer, your insights regarding the situation at this point, notes to yourself, or just an OK. Always critique your solutions by describing any insights you had or errors you makde, and by explaining how you can make use of the insight or how you now know how to avoid certain errors. Also pose for the instructor any question or questions that you have related to the problem or series of problems. Okay.
12:32:08 ** Student answer with good analogy: I did not actually measure the velocities. the red were much faster. I would assume that the blue particle has much more mass a high velocity impact from the other particles made very little change in the blue particles velocity. Similar to a bycycle running into a Mack Truck. INSTRUCTOR NOTE: : It turns out that average kinetic energies of red and blue particles are equal, but the greater mass of the blue particle implies that it needs less v to get the same KE (which is .5 mv^2) **
RESPONSE --> Because the blue particles weigh more than the red particles they require less velocity to get the same kinetic energy.
12:33:31 What do you think is the most likely velocity of the 'red' particle?
RESPONSE --> The most likely velocity of the red particle will be between 4 and 5.
12:35:53 If the simulation had 100 particles, how long do you think you would have to watch the simulation before a screen with all the particles on the left-hand side of the screen would occur?
RESPONSE --> Enter, as appropriate, an answer to the question, a critique of your answer in response to a given answer, your insights regarding the situation at this point, notes to yourself, or just an OK. Always critique your solutions by describing any insights you had or errors you makde, and by explaining how you can make use of the insight or how you now know how to avoid certain errors. Also pose for the instructor any question or questions that you have related to the problem or series of problems. It was difficult to follow the display precisely so when I paused the program the velocity read about 4. The next time I paused it it was 5. 1/2 probability on left and 1/2 probability for right. 1/2^100 = 7.88 x 10-31. These are not very good odds; I am not sure how long I would have to watch the simulation.
12:37:50 ** STUDENT ANSWER: Considering the random motion at various angles of impact.It would likely be a very rare event. INSTRUCTOR COMMENT This question requires a little fundamental probability but isn't too difficult to understand: If particle position is regarded as random the probability of a particle being on one given side of the screen is 1/2. The probability of 2 particles both being on a given side is 1/2 * 1/2. For 3 particles the probability is 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 = 1/8. For 100 particlles the probability is 1 / 2^100, meaning that you would expect to see this phenomenon once in 2^100 screens. If you saw 10 screens per second this would take about 4 * 10^21 years, or just about a trillion times the age of the Earth. In practical terms, then, you just wouldn't expect to see it, ever. **
RESPONSE --> Correct. I would expect to see that once is 2^100 screens (1.26 x 10^30). I wouldn't expect to see this occurrence.
12:39:10 What do you think the graphs at the right of the screen might represent?
RESPONSE --> I think that they might represent the amount of energy released after each collision; therefore, the difference in KE or PE at one collision then the KE after another collision.
12:40:05 ** One graph is a histogram showing the relative occurrences of different velocities. Highest and lowest velocities are least likely, midrange tending toward the low end most likely. Another shows the same thing but for energies rather than velocities. **
RESPONSE --> I was partially correct. The first histogram represents velocities and the other represents energies.
12:52:38 prin phy and gen phy problem 10.36 15 cm radius duct replentishes air in 9.2 m x 5.0 m x 4.5 m room every 16 minutes; how fast is air flowing in the duct?
RESPONSE --> volume = 9.2 m x 5.0 m x 4.5 m = 207 m^3 density of air = 1.29 kg/m^3 t = 16 minutes = 960 seconds 1.29 kg/m^3 x 207 = 267.03/ 960 seconds = .278 m/s
13:38:40 The volume of the room is 9.2 m * 5.0 m * 4.5 m = 210 m^3. This air is replentished every 16 minutes, or at a rate of 210 m^3 / (16 min * 60 sec/min) = 210 m^3 / (960 sec) = .22 m^3 / second. The cross-sectional area of the duct is pi r^2 = pi * (.15 m)^2 = .071 m^2. The speed of the air flow and the velocity of the air flow are related by rate of volume flow = cross-sectional area * speed of flow, so speed of flow = rate of volume flow / cross-sectional area = .22 m^3 / s / (.071 m^2) = 3.1 m/s, approx.
RESPONSE --> I forgot to calculate the cross sectional area (.15 m^2) x pi = .071 m^2 speed of flow = rate of volume flow/ cross sectional flow .22m^3 /s/ (.071 m^2) = 3.1 m/s
13:47:32 prin phy and gen phy problem 10.40 gauge pressure to maintain firehose stream altitude 15 m ......!!!!!!!!...................................
RESPONSE --> gauge pressure needed can be found using the equation: rho * g * y = 1000 kg/m^3 * 9.8 m/s^2 * 15 m = 147500 N/m^2 = 1.47 x 10^5 N/m^2
13:49:31 ** We use Bernoulli's equation. Between the water in the hose before it narrows to the nozzle and the 15m altitude there is a vertical change in position of 15 m. Between the water in the hose before it narrows to the nozzle and the 15 m altitude there is a vertical change in position of 15 m. Assuming the water doesn't move all that fast before the nozzle narrows the flow, and noting that the water at the top of the stream has finally stopped moving for an instant before falling back down, we see that we know the two vertical positions and the velocities (both zero, or very nearly so) at the two points. All that is left is to calculate the pressure difference. The pressure of the water after its exit is simply atmospheric pressure, so it is fairly straightforward to calculate the pressure inside the hose using Bernoulli's equation. Assuming negligible velocity inside the hose we have change in rho g h from inside the hose to 15 m height: `d(rho g h) = 1000 kg/m^3 * 9.8 m/s^2 * 15 m = 147,000 N / m^2, approx. Noting that the velocity term .5 `rho v^2 is zero at both points, the change in pressure is `dP = - `d(rho g h) = -147,000 N/m^2. Since the pressure at the 15 m height is atmospheric, the pressure inside the hose must be 147,000 N/m^2 higher than atmospheric. **
RESPONSE --> My answer should reflect negative presure.
13:49:44 Gen phy: Assuming that the water in the hose is moving much more slowly than the exiting water, so that the water in the hose is essentially moving at 0 velocity, what quantity is constant between the inside of the hose and the top of the stream? what term therefore cancels out of Bernoulli's equation?
RESPONSE --> for a different section.
13:49:54 ** Velocity is 0 at top and bottom; pressure at top is atmospheric, and if pressure in the hose was the same the water wouldn't experience any net force and would therefore remain in the hose **
RESPONSE --> okay
13:50:04 query gen phy problem 10.43 net force on 240m^2 roof from 35 m/s wind. What is the net force on the roof?
RESPONSE --> ok.
13:50:09 ** air with density around 1.29 kg/m^3 moves with one velocity above the roof and essentially of 0 velocity below the roof. Thus there is a difference between the two sides of Bernoulli's equation in the quantity 1/2 `rho v^2. At the density of air `rho g h isn't going to amount to anything significant between the inside and outside of the roof. So the difference in pressure is equal and opposite to the change in 1/2 `rho v^2. On one side v = 0, on the other v = 35 m/s, so the difference in .5 rho v^2 from inside to out is `d(.5 rho v^2) = 0.5(1.29kg/m^3)*(35m/s)^2 - 0 = 790 N/m^2. The difference in the altitude term is, as mentioned above, negligible so the difference in pressure from inside to out is `dP = - `d(.5 rho v^2) = -790 N/m^2. } The associated force is 790 N/m^2 * 240 m^2 = 190,000 N, approx. **
RESPONSE --> okay
13:50:25 gen phy which term cancels out of Bernoulli's equation and why?
RESPONSE --> okay; for a different section.
13:50:28 ** because of the small density of air and the small change in y, `rho g y exhibits practically no change. **
13:50:37 univ phy problem 14.67: prove that if weight in water if f w then density of gold is 1 / (1-f). Meaning as f -> 0, 1, infinity. Weight of gold in water if 12.9 N in air. What if nearly all lead and 12.9 N in air?
RESPONSE --> different section. ok
13:50:40 ** The tension in the rope supporting the crown in water is T = f w. Tension and buoyant force are equal and opposite to the force of gravity so T + dw * vol = w or f * dg * vol + dw * vol = dg * vol. Dividing through by vol we have f * dg + dw = dg, which we solve for dg to obtain dg = dw / (1 - f). Relative density is density as a proportion of density of water, so relative density is 1 / (1-f). For gold relative density is 19.3 so we have 1 / (1-f) = 19.3, which we solve for f to obtain f = 18.3 / 19.3. The weight of the 12.9 N gold crown in water will thus be T = f w = 18.3 / 19.3 * 12.9 N = 12.2 N. STUDENT SOLUTION: After drawing a free body diagram we can see that these equations are true: Sum of Fy =m*ay , T+B-w=0, T=fw, B=(density of water)(Volume of crown)(gravity). Then fw+(density of water)(Volume of crown)(gravity)-w=0. (1-f)w=(density of water)(Volume of crown)(gravity). Use w==(density of crown)(Volume of crown)(gravity). (1-f)(density of crown)(Volume of crown)(gravity) =(density of water)(Volume of crown)(gravity). Thus, (density of crown)/(density of water)=1/(1-f). **
13:50:45 univ phy What are the meanings of the limits as f approaches 0 and 1?
13:50:48 ** GOOD STUDENT ANSWER: f-> 0 gives (density of crown)/(density of water) = 1 and T=0. If the density of the crown equals the density of the water, the crown just floats, fully submerged, and the tension should be zero. When f-> 1, density of crown >> density of water and T=w. If density of crown >> density of water then B is negligible relative to the weight w of the crown and T should equal w. **
ԩFsHIHQ^˺ჴw assignment #006
14:28:57 query introset change in pressure from diameter change given original vel and diameter
RESPONSE --> you can calculate the velocity at the top state (V1) first by using the formula v1 = (d2/d1)^2 v2. v2 = sqrt (2 g dh) less velocity; more pressure more felocity; greater pressure change in pressure = rho * g * change in y set that term rho *g* change in y = 1/2Pv^exit -1/2 P{ V exit (d2/d1)^2]^2
14:30:07 query video experiment 4 terminal velocity of sphere in fluid. What is the evidence from this experiment that the drag force increases with velocity?
RESPONSE --> Enter, as appropriate, an answer to the question, a critique of your answer in response to a given answer, your insights regarding the situation at this point, notes to yourself, or just an OK. Always critique your solutions by describing any insights you had or errors you makde, and by explaining how you can make use of the insight or how you now know how to avoid certain errors. Also pose for the instructor any question or questions that you have related to the problem or series of problems. okay
14:30:29 ** When weights were repetitively added the velocity of the sphere repetively increased. As the velocities started to aproach 0.1254 m/sec the added weights had less and less effect on increasing the velocity. We conclude that as the velocity increased so did the drag force of the water. **
RESPONSE --> okay
14:30:36 query univ phy problem 14.85 (14.89 10th edition) half-area constriction then open to outflow at dist h1 below reservoir level, tube from lower reservoir into constricted area, same fluid in both. Find ht h2 to which fluid in lower tube rises.
14:30:38 ** The fluid exits the narrowed part of the tube at atmospheric pressure. The widened part at the end of the tube is irrelevant--it won't be filled with fluid. So Bernoulli's Equation will tell you that the fluid velocity in this part is vExit such that .5 rho vExit^2 = rho g h1. Now compare three points: point 1, in the narrowed tube; point 2 at the top of the fluid in the lower tube; and point 3 at the level of the fluid surface in the lower container. At point 1 the pressure is atmospheric and velocity is vExit. Pressure is atmospheric because there is no pressure loss within the tube, since friction and viscosity are both assumed negligible. At point 2 fluid velocity is zero and since there is no fluid between the narrowed tube and this point there is no net rho g h contribution to Bernoulli's equation. So we have .5 rho v1^2 + P1 = .5 rho v2^2 + P2. P1 is atmospheric and v1 is vExit from above, while v2 = 0 so P2 = atmospheric pressure + .5 rho vExit^2 = atmospheric pressure + rho g h1. Now comparing point 2 with point 3 we see that there is a difference h in the fluid altitude, with velocity 0 at both points and atmospheric pressure at point 3. Thus P2 + rho g h2 = P3 + rho g h3, or (atmospheric pressure + rho g h1) + rho g h2 = atmospheric pressure + rho g h3. Thus rho g (h3 - h2) = rho g h1 and h3 - h2, which is the height of the fluid in the lower tube, is just equal to h1. If we assume that somehow the fluid manages to expand on escaping the narrowed tube so that it fills the once-again-widened tube, and exits with vExit as above, then the velocity in the narrowed tube will be 2 * vExit. This leads to the conclusion that pressure change from small to large tube is .5 rho (2 vExit)^2 - .5 rho vExit^2 = .5 rho (3 vExit^2). Since pressure is atmospheric in the large tube, pressure in the small tube is atmospheric pressure + 3 ( .5 rho vExit^2). If we use this pressure for point 1 and follow the steps given above we conclude that h3 - h2, the height of the fluid column in the lower tube, is 3 h1. This is the book's answer. Again I don't have the problem in front of me and I might have missed something, but the idea of the fluid expanding to refill the larger pipe doesn't seem consistent with the behavior of even ideal liquids, which are pretty much incompressible at ordinary pressures. However note that I am sometimes wrong when I disagree with the textbook's solution. **
14:30:41 query univ phy problem 14.85 (14.89 10th edition) half-area constriction then open to outflow at dist h1 below reservoir level, tube from lower reservoir into constricted area, same fluid in both. Find ht h2 to which fluid in lower tube rises.
14:30:44 ** The fluid exits the narrowed part of the tube at atmospheric pressure. The widened part at the end of the tube is irrelevant--it won't be filled with fluid. So Bernoulli's Equation will tell you that the fluid velocity in this part is vExit such that .5 rho vExit^2 = rho g h1. Now compare three points: point 1, in the narrowed tube; point 2 at the top of the fluid in the lower tube; and point 3 at the level of the fluid surface in the lower container. At point 1 the pressure is atmospheric and velocity is vExit. Pressure is atmospheric because there is no pressure loss within the tube, since friction and viscosity are both assumed negligible. At point 2 fluid velocity is zero and since there is no fluid between the narrowed tube and this point there is no net rho g h contribution to Bernoulli's equation. So we have .5 rho v1^2 + P1 = .5 rho v2^2 + P2. P1 is atmospheric and v1 is vExit from above, while v2 = 0 so P2 = atmospheric pressure + .5 rho vExit^2 = atmospheric pressure + rho g h1. Now comparing point 2 with point 3 we see that there is a difference h in the fluid altitude, with velocity 0 at both points and atmospheric pressure at point 3. Thus P2 + rho g h2 = P3 + rho g h3, or (atmospheric pressure + rho g h1) + rho g h2 = atmospheric pressure + rho g h3. Thus rho g (h3 - h2) = rho g h1 and h3 - h2, which is the height of the fluid in the lower tube, is just equal to h1. If we assume that somehow the fluid manages to expand on escaping the narrowed tube so that it fills the once-again-widened tube, and exits with vExit as above, then the velocity in the narrowed tube will be 2 * vExit. This leads to the conclusion that pressure change from small to large tube is .5 rho (2 vExit)^2 - .5 rho vExit^2 = .5 rho (3 vExit^2). Since pressure is atmospheric in the large tube, pressure in the small tube is atmospheric pressure + 3 ( .5 rho vExit^2). If we use this pressure for point 1 and follow the steps given above we conclude that h3 - h2, the height of the fluid column in the lower tube, is 3 h1. This is the book's answer. Again I don't have the problem in front of me and I might have missed something, but the idea of the fluid expanding to refill the larger pipe doesn't seem consistent with the behavior of liquids, which are pretty much incompressible at ordinary pressures. However note that I am sometimes wrong when I disagree with the textbook's solution. **
ܺ_v assignment #007 007. `query 6 Physics II 06-17-2009"