course PHY 122
formatting guidelines and conventionsPhy 122
Your 'formatting guidelines and conventions' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
** Your message. **
** importance of lab notebook **
For all classes and labs that I have taken, I find the lab notebooks to be very useful. I write down all problems and answers in them, as well as side notations and page references from the book so I can easily turn to the appropriate page in the book as needed. It is important to maintain a lab notebook so you can review your steps and show all of your work just like you will have to on the exams.
** four 2-digit numbers one to a line **
I chose these numbers because they represent my father's birthday, December 24, 1948 and he is currently 60 years old.
** four 2-digit numbers comma delimited **
I started with my age and increased by 2.
** relative positions tab-delim in first line **
These are the positions of the points relative to the reference point at 15 cm. These numbers are in centimeters.
I understand the concept of a reference point. Going to the right of the reference point you increase; going to the left there is a negative difference.
** comma-delimited table **
Temperature is the first number, time is the second number. It is being listed as temperature vs. time. The first number is in degrees and the seconds will be in minutes.
** t in first line, y in second, comma delimited in each **
The first number represents time in seconds; the second number represents depth in cm. This graph would read time vs. depth
** tab-delimited version of previous **
2 30
12 20
24 14
36 9
The first number is measured in seconds; the second number is measured in centimeters.
I just created a de-limited table that shows “time versus depth”
** clock times corresponding to third line of timer output **
Seconds. we start at t=0 and the first click occurs 3.7 seconds after. I then added the time between clicks: 3.7 + 4.3 = 8; 8 + 5.2 = 13.2 etc.
** temp, temp rel to room temp two lines **
degrees celcius. the room temperature is 23 degree C. The temperatures reported in the second line are relative to the room temperature. They are all positive numbers; increase from 23.
** T vs t table, ave rates in a line **
.033 is the rate of temperature change with respect to clock time.
Interval 1: -1
Interval 2: -.5
Interval 3: -.4
#####I believe that these averages are correct. Please let me know if they are not.
I found the average rates by taking the change in y/ change in x. I took this for each of the intervals; added them up and divided by 3 (number of intervals)
Each interval has an average rate. You have given an average of average rates.
Please see the following link for more extensive commentary on this lab. You should read over all the commentary and not anything relevant. Give special attention to any comments relevant to notes inserted into your posted work. If significant errors have occurred in your work, then subsequent results might be affected by those errors, and if so they should be corrected.
Expanded Commentary
Please respond by submitting a copy of this document by inserting revisions and/or self-critiques and/or questions as appropriate. Mark you insertions with #### and use the Submit Work Form. If a title has been suggested for the revision, use that title; otherwise use an appropriate title that will allow you to easily locate the posted response at your Access Page. "
This looks very good. Let me know if you have any questions.