course Phy 202
Ammeter experimentPlace a 3-4 inch long piece of christmas tree icicle between the poles of a magnet. Secure the ends of the icicle on dominos on each side of the magnet. This will act as an ammeter.
Connect one lead of a crank generator to the end of a length of NiCr wire and the other lead to the opposite end of the wire. Then connect one end of the ammeter to one end of the wire and the other side of the ammeter to the opposite end of the wire. This ammeter is connected in parallel.
Take two more leads and connect them to the NiCr wire on the inside of the other leads. Attach one lead to the end of a straightened paper clip. Then attach the other lead to one end of another ammeter, then attach another lead to connect the other end of the paper clip to the other end of the second ammeter.
The second ammeter is connected in series with the paper clip and measures current through the paper clip.
Trial 1
When R1 and R3 is reduced to zero. When R4 is increased, Current of I2 will decrease because of the increased resistance and current of I1 will increase because of the decreased resistance across R1 and R3 and increase resistance across R4.
Trial 2
With ammeter one attached to R2, when R2 is detached current 1 and 3 should be zero, because the circuit will no longer be complete.