course Phy 202
Capacitor experimentUsing the crank generator as the source, hook up a ammeter made with a magnet in series. When the generator is being cranked, the ammeter will deflect.
Next, hook up a capacitor in series as well. With the capacitor in the circuit, the cranking gets easier as you crank it longer. AS this is happening the ammeter initially delfects quite a bit then begins to move back towards its original position.
When you quit cranking the generator the ammeter deflects in the opposite direction and the generator will continue to crank on its own. If the handle is held still the ammeter will deflect even further in that direction.
If the handle is cranked in the opposite direction the crank starts harder then gets easier. Also the ammeter will deflect the opposite direction.
When the capacitor is hooked up the cranking begins to get easier which indicates it is being charged and current produced by generator is decreasing."
Very good.