Week 4 Quizes

course MTH163

Week 4 Quiz 1water depths Times

10 21.4

-6.2 32.1

-16.9 42.8

-22.2 53.5




average rate




Rise= 10.7

Run= 10.7

Quiz 2

y=f(t)= .018t^2(-2.42t)+96

0.18t^2+(-2.42t)+96= 49.66111


depth= 94.96 cm

f(t)= 91.66111

f(t) when t=32


Quiz 3

t=11 depth= 64

t=27 depth= 39

average= -1.6

2) y=f(t)= .021t^2+ -2.31t + 87

= 1.155

average= -1.2

??????????????assignment #007

007. `query 7

Precalculus I


???????????assignment #008

008. `query 8 DERIVE exercise, Major Quiz ...

Precalculus I


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