MTH 173
Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
** Question Form_labelMessages **
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Alright, I have emailed you about my quiz/exam grades and I have yet to receive any response.
Also, you have stated that I have to complete work that doesn't include the solutions. Since all the work you told me I needed to complete has solutions, I am at a standstill. Is it possible that we can meet face to face so I can demonstrate my competency, or online via webcam? We have very little time and I require the sufficient grade for the course while being able to go on to Calculus II.
You don't absolutely have to submit them, but to get my assistance and feedback you need to do so.
Also be sure you are completing the Queries and qa's according to instructions.
There is a column on your Assignments Page that includes things like Week 2 Quiz #1, etc..
The top of that column consists of a link to the page that contains these documents.
Do submit those so I can give you the feedback I believe you need.
I'll look forward to seeing them.
I enjoyed meeting you today and look forward to working with you during the rest of the term.