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course Phy 201

6/19/09 10:25

20 hours for 4 assignments translates to about 180 hours for the entire course, which is just about the conventional maximum time expected of a student for a 4-credit lab course (figuring 75 hours in class and lab, 100 hours or so outside class). So the time you mention isn't excessive.

However a quick and experienced student can get by with less time than that.

I have no problem with skipped homework (though the labs must be done), or homework problems selectively completed. I trust your judgement on what to skip and what to submit.

Submit a copy of this response using the Submit Work Form or Question Form and I'll review your submitted work and post additional suggestions.

Most students require a lot of repetition in order to master the concepts.

At the beginning of the course most students are also unable to read at the level of the textbook, or to think at the level of this course.

The course as presented it designed to bring students to the level of the course, engage them in thinking and presenting their thoughts, and give them some direct experience to make the text easier to read, and text problems accessible.

To a mature student with a good background the degree of repetition and the level of detail expected of typical students might well be burdensome.

I suggest that you read all documents, and respond only to those items you aren't completely sure of.

You do of course need to complete the labs, which constitute 25% of your final grade. Lab grades for students who complete the work are typically good; a passing lab grade is required for a final grade of C or better.

The majority of your grade will of course be determined by performance on tests and exams.