question form


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Dr. Smith,

I havent received any further instruction about the missing DVD's for Mth158. You said if I haven't heard from you by the end of last week to contact you. What do I need to do to get all the required material?

On Friday the bookstore loaned me a package, and over the weekend I checked it out. It is as you described. The disks we specified on our order were not included in the package. I've asked our bookstore manager to get information as quickly as possible and will be checking with him tomorrow.

I will be expressing my concerns to the textbook company's representative very soon, but wanted to give the bookstore a day to be more diplomatic than I'm likely to be. They have a history of messing up. Unfortunately I'm not in a position to change texts (and I do like the text very much).

Ask again tomorrow and I should have much more information.