Query 8


course MTH 279

2/13 12I have reviewed your notes on the query over the mixing and cooling problems. I hope to have time to rework those in the near future. Thank you for the feedback.

Query 08 Differential Equations


Question: 3.5.6. Solve the equation dPdt = r ( 1 - P / P_c) P + M with r = 1, P_c = 1 and M = -1/4.


Your solution:

P/(1-P) = Ce^(-.25t)

or explicitly: P= [Ce^(-.25t)] / [1 + Ce^(-.25t)]

dP/dt = r ( 1 - P / P_c) P + M

dP/dt = ( 1 - P) P - 1/4 separate variables

dP/[(1-P)P] = -1/4 dt integrate left side using partial fractions

ln(abs(P) ) - ln(abs(1-P) ) = -1/4t + C Simplify using properties of logs and exponents.


If r = 1, P_c = 1 and M = -1/4, our equation becomes

dP/dt = (1 - P) * P + 1/4,

which we can rewrite as

dP / ( -P^2 + P - 1/4) = dt.

The denominator factors into -(P - 1/2) ^ 2 so we have

-dP / (P - 1/2)^2 = dt,

which is easily integrated to obtain

1 / (P - 1/2) = t + c

so that

P = 1 / (t + c) + 1/2.

As t -> infinity, P approaches 1/2, which is half the 'carrying capacity' P_c = 1 of the system.


confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:


Self-critique (if necessary): OK


Self-critique rating: OK

3.5.10. Solve dP/dt = k ( N - P) * P with P(0) = 100 000 assuming that P is the number of people, out of a population of N = 500 000, with a disease. Assume that k is not constant, as in the standard logistic model, but that k = 2 e^(-t) - 1. Plot your solution curve and estimate the maximum value of P, and also that value of t when P = 50 000. Interpret all your results in terms of the given situation.


Your solution:

P/(500,000 - P) = (1/4e^1,000,000)e^(-1,000,000e^(-t) - 500,000t)

The maximum value of P appears to be 100,000 (at t=0), because the curve begins to slope down from this point as time elapses.

The value of t when the population would be 50,000 would be about 3.5.

Based on these answers, it appears as if the number of people infected is decreasing as time elapses.


The steps by which you obtained your solution are not clear, and you haven't solved for P, but your solution is in the riight general form. I believe the correct solution for P is

P = 500 000 / ( 4 e^(1 000 000 (e^(-t) - 1) + 500 000 t) + 1).

or equivalently

P = 125 000 / ( e^(1 000 000 (e^(-t) - 1) + 500 000 t) + 1/4).

At t = 0 this yields population 100 000, and as t -> infinity the limiting population is 0, as expected.

I agree that this solution appears to decrease throughout its domain.


confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:


Self-critique (if necessary): I think I went about it okay, but the numbers were a little messy, so i may've made some minor miscalculations.


Self-critique rating: 3"

Self-critique (if necessary):


Self-critique rating:

&#Good responses. See my notes and let me know if you have questions. &#