Query 22


course MTH 279

10 4/8

Query 22 Differential Equations*********************************************

Question: Find the values for which the matrix

[ t + 1, t; t, t + 1]

pictured as:

is invertible.


Your solution:

The matrix is invertible for all t except -1/2

Found using the determinant (t +1)(t+1) - t^2 = 0 (Since the matrix is not invertible when the det = 0)

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:


Self-critique (if necessary): OK


Self-critique rating: OK


Question: Find the limit as t -> 0 of the matrix

[ sin(t) / t, t cos(t), 3 / (t + 1); e^(3 t), sec(t), 2 t / (t^2 - 1) ]

pictured as


Your solution:

The limit does not exist since lim t -> 0 of the term sin(t)/t DNE

The limit of sin(t) / t, as t -> 0, is 1.

At t = 0 the graphs of sin(t) and t both have value zero and slope 1, so they approach zero at the same rate.

Check out l'Hopital's rule and think about what it has to do with the above statement.

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:


Self-critique (if necessary): OK


Self-critique rating: OK


Question: Find A ' (t) and A ''(t), where the derivatives are with respect to t and the matrix is

A = [ sin(t), 3 t; t^2 + 2, 5 ]

pictured as


Your solution:

A' = [ cos(t) , 3 ; 2t , 0 ]

A'' = [ -sin(t) , 0 ; 2 , 0 ]

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:


Self-critique (if necessary): OK


Self-critique rating: OK


Question: Write the system of equations

y_1 ' = t^2 y_1 + 3 y_2 + sec(t)

y_2 ' = sin(t) y _1 + t y_2 - 5

in the form

y ' = P(t) y + g(t),

where P(t) is a 2 x 2 matrix and y and g(t) are 2 x 1 column vectors.


Your solution:

[y_1' ; y_2'] = [t^2 , 3 ; sin(t) , t] + [ sec(t) ; - 5]

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:


Self-critique (if necessary): OK


Self-critique rating: OK


Question: If

A '' = [1, t; 0, 0]


A(0) = [ 1, 1; -2, 1]

A(1) = [-1, 2; -2, 3 ]

then what is the matrix A(t)?


Your solution:

A = [ 1/2t^2 - 5/2t + 1 , 1/6t^2 + 12/7t + 1 ; -2 , 2t +1]

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:


Self-critique (if necessary): OK


Self-critique rating: OK


Question: Find the matrix A(t), defined by

A(t) = integral( B(s) ds, s from 0 to t),


B = [ e^s, 6s; cos(2 pi s), sin(2 pi s) ].


Your solution:

A = [e^t - 1 , 3t^2 ; 1/(2pi)sin(2pi t) , -1/(2pi)cos(2pi t) - 1/(2pi)]

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:


Self-critique (if necessary): OK

Very good. Check my one note (the limit of sin(t) / t does exist; more detail in the note).