course Phy 201
6/28 12pm
DistanceTime of 1st rampTime of 2nd ramp20cm00:01:5800:02:50
20cm 00:01:58 00:02:52
20cm 00:02:01 00:02:55
10cm 00:00:59 00:03:02
15cm 00:01:26 00:03:00
25cm 00:02:03 00:02:49
30cm 00:02:10 00:02:47
35cm 00:02:21 00:02:40
40cm 00:02:29 00:02:31
45cm 00:02:35 00:02:23
50cm 00:02:48 00:02:03
Distance Average Velocity 1st ramp Average Velocity 2nd ramp
10cm 16.9cm/s 3.3cm/s
15cm 11.9cm/s 5cm/s
20cm 12.7cm/s 7.9cm/s
25cm 12.3cm/s 10cm/s
30cm 14.3cm/s 12.1cm/s
35cm 15.8cm/s 14.6cm/s
40cm 17.5cm/s 17.3cm/s
45cm 19.1cm/s 20.2cm/s
50cm 20.2cm/s 24.6cm/s
Slope= 4.4/1.06
The first point in the set of coordinates is not near the origin of the straight line, but the rest of points are near the straight line. The first point is from the 10cm distance, which is the shortest distance, so the time on the second ramp is the longest and the time on the first ramp is the shortest.
The average velocity of the first ramp has the highest velocity because the ramp has a higher incline than the second ramp.
Least-initial velocity on first ramp; Greatest-final velocity on first ramp
the initial velocity of the ball on the first ramp
the initial velocity of the ball on the second ramp
the average velocity of the ball on the second ramp
the average velocity of the ball on the first ramp
the final velocity of the ball on the second ramp
the final velocity of the ball on the first ramp
I think the ball reached average velocity at a little over 35cm
This experiment did not validate the hypothesis that the average velocity of the second ramp should be double the first. We might suspect that it would double because the velocity would be thought to become greater and greater as the ball rolled down the ramp, but that was not the case in this experiment.
First Ramp
For the 30cm distance, the uncertainty in the measurement of the time on the first ramp would probably be about +-.02 sec because I may not have stopped the timer at the exact instant that the ball hit the second ramp. My finger could have been about +-.02 sec off.
The actual time should lie between 2.08 and 2.12.
Minimum value average velocity would be 14.4cm/s
Maximum value average velocity would be 14.1cm/s
The minimum value that the actual average velocity could have been 14.1cm/s and the maximum value that the actual average velocity could have been 14.4cm/s.
The straight line does pass through the rectangle.
Second Ramp
For the 30cm distance, the uncertainty in the measurement of the time on the second ramp would probably be about +-.02 sec because I may not have stopped the timer at the exact instant that the ball hit the obstacle. My finger could have been about +-.02 sec off.
The actual time should lie between 2.45 and 2.49.
Minimum average velocity would be 12.2cm/s
Maximum value average velocity would be 12cm/s
The minimum value that the actual average velocity could have been 12.2cm/s and the maximum value that the actual average velocity could have been 12cm/s.
The straight line does pass through the rectangle.
The timing difference would be more significant than a distance difference because of the human error associated with pressing the start and stop at the exact time.
Self-critique (if necessary):
Self-critique rating: