mth 151
Find the cartesian product of:A={12,14,10}B={6,7}FIND n(A x B)
Good question, but part of a question is saying what you do and do not understand about the given situation. What do you know about A x B? What does that n thing mean?
In any case, A x B is the Cartesian product { ( a, b) | a is a member of A and b is a member of B}. So
A x B = { (12, 6), (12, 7), (14, 6), (14, 7), (10, 6), (10, 7) }.
n(A x B) is the cardinality of A x B. Since A x B is finite, its cardinality is equal to the number of elements. There are six elements in A x B, with each ordered pair being an element.
So n(A x B) = 6.