class work


course PHY 241

Mister Smith, I have had a rough semester, between my class load and jobs that I had to do. I have fallen behind quite severely. I'm to the point that the only way I can catch up is to just study the assignments, perform the experiments and take the tests, until I am caught up. Is this possible for me to do and still pass the class. If not then I believe I will have to drop the class. I really do not want to drop the class. I need to finish the class this semester in order to graduate at the time I need to. Thank you for your time.


The drop date is still 3 weeks away so give this your best shot.

I can grade you based on your test performance and your lab work. However you really need to solve the problems in order to prepare for the tests. If you submit one thing, I would recommend that you submit the Query for any assignment on which you have difficulty with the problem set, skipping anything you are sure of and answering only the questions on which you are not sure of your solutions.

Keep me posted, and also remember that the Question Form is there for you.
